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Vamos Pa’lante Campaign 2023: Help Students Continue Their Education with Donations

Every year hundreds of young people from all over the country have to pause their university studies due to economic difficulties, negatively impacting the development of their life and professional plans, in addition to affecting their mental health due to the stress and frustration that this generates.

To prevent the dropout of these young people, for the sixth consecutive year the Technological University of Bolívar, the University of the Andes, EAFIT, ICESI and La W Radio, in alliance with Supertiendas Olímpica, Scotiabank Colpatria and Uniandinos, advance the Vamos Pa’ campaign Lante, an initiative that collects donations so that more students can reach their goal and graduate from a professional career.

With the donations collected, Vamos Pa’lante will award scholarships to students who have good academic performance and who are at risk of not continuing their studies for economic reasons.

In the 2023 version, it is expected to raise $8.2 billion before the campaign closes on December 24. During the 2022 version, more than $9 billion was raised, far exceeding the set goal of $5 billion.

Join us! So you can donate

Joining the Vamos Pa’lante campaign is very simple since La W and the allied universities have defined several options for making donations. Below, we list the channels through which Colombians can make their contribution:

1. Web: Through the page www.utb.edu.co/finamiento-estudiantil/becas/vamos-pa-lante, from $10,000 to $38 million.

2. Olímpica: In more than 380 points of sale of the Olímpica Superstores nationwide. You can donate from $100 to $9,990,000.

3. Colpatria: In the more than 700 Scotiabank Colpatria ATMs, throughout the country, from $500 to $5,000. Also in the bank’s 142 offices, nationwide, from $1,000 onwards.

2023-12-12 19:48:07
#Vamos #Lante #Scholarship #donate #young #people #achieve #professional #goal

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