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Valve’s Steam Deck can now play more games than you could ever play

steam surface

picture: valve

When Valve’s Steam Deck launched back in February, it could only play a (relatively) few of the platform’s thousands of titles. The number was exactly 399, but now, a few weeks later, it’s nearly tripled.

On February 25th, Steam Deck launch day, there were the 399 I just mentioned plus nearly another 300 listed as “playable”, but there could be some issues. Note that this list includes games that perform well, but are designed with large screens and mice in mind, so they may not be the best experience on a handheld.

Anyone who bought the Steam Deck in February (or earlier, really, because to get one, you’d have to pre-order in 2021) might be interested in the size of that list, and the fact that Some of the biggest video game franchises around won’t play well with their new mobile devices.

Now that we are in early May, things have really improved dramatically. There are a number of places where you can track how many games can be played on the system, but boiling steam It’s laid out in the form of an outline, and that’s what we see today.

Steam Game Chart

You know, things spiked during March and slowed down since then, but I see this as a sort of “how far has progress since launch” deal, not just an examination of the last weeks. At the time of publication, there are now 1,289 fully verified games, and 1,169 more are playable.

In practice let’s apply these numbers to my Steam library, Because this is how I see unofficial support when the system launches. In February, only 59 of my 810 Steam games were fully verified; Now 131 of them. This is progress!

Which brings me to: This doesn’t mean that games that aren’t on the list don’t work at all. It just means that it hasn’t been fully tested yet, so you can expect this number to continue going up as more results come out. And if you want to follow these things forward, Protondb is another great place to bookmark.

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