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Valuation price 2021 for Zorggroep Voorhout – Warmond and Sassenheim

Sassenheim – Have on Tuesday December 28th Mayor Carla Breuer and Alderman Arno van Kempen announced the winners of the Valuation Prize 2021. The Valuation Prize was awarded this year to Zorggroep Voorhout – Warmond and Zorggroep Sassenheim. On behalf of Zorggroep Voorhout – Warmond, Frans Zonneveld (chairman) received the prize digitally, on behalf of Zorggroep Sassenheim Jaap van Riet (chairman of the Chain Care Policy Committee). The general practitioners indicated that they are very grateful for the appreciation they receive for the 1th line care in this way


During the corona period, the general practitioners who are affiliated with the care groups, in collaboration with the GGD, are constantly ready to support and refer vulnerable residents. They make home visits – where necessary in protective clothing – and staff the corona emergency post in Leiderdorp where they speak to patients suspected of corona. If there is a strong suspicion of corona, immediate action can be taken with medical specialists. In the case of a cluster infection, GPs often keep a finger on the pulse of institutions and support residents professionally and emotionally.

Since their start in 2018 and 2021 respectively, the two care groups have actively sought cooperation with the municipality and its partners. For example, an intensive collaboration with Welzijn Teylingen has been established on positive health. Important input was also provided from the care groups to the new public health memorandum that was adopted by the city council in 2021.

Embracing cooperation in Youth Aid

In addition, the municipality is happy with the collaboration in the field of youth care and the appointment of practice nurses Mental Health Care Youth. This prevents unnecessary referral to more expensive help. The collaboration with For each 1 – the organization for integrated access in Hillegom, Lisse, Teylingen and Noordwijk to the social domain (youth aid, Social Support Act, work and income and well-being) – will be further intensified in the coming years.

Care group Voorhout – Warmond and Care group Sassenheim

Both care groups act as the partnership of general practitioners, pharmacists, dietitians and physiotherapists in Voorhout – Warmond and Sassenheim. They strive to be a reliable partner for third parties, such as patient associations, the municipality, health insurers, other care partners and the social domain. The care groups coordinate the care programs for their affiliated practices for the chronic conditions diabetes mellitus type 2, COPD/Asthma and (the prevention of) cardiovascular diseases, care for the elderly, low back pain, anxiety and mood problems and incontinence.

Valuation price

The Valuation Prize is awarded annually to a company, institution or person that puts Teylingen on the map in a special way or through an original initiative. The Valuation Price consists of a glass image in which a 3D laser engraving has been made. The figurine features a bulb basket, as an expression of the bulb culture that binds Teylingen. The arms of the three villages are on the basket, the coat of arms of Teylingen hovers above it.

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