Home » today » Entertainment » Valmiera Theater performances ‘Slinkums’ and ‘Staburaga Children’ for students can be viewed online

Valmiera Theater performances ‘Slinkums’ and ‘Staburaga Children’ for students can be viewed online

At the moment, when students ‘classes cannot come to the theater, the program “Latvian School Bag” now offers two popular children’s performances of Valmiera Theater online – “Slinkums” directed by Tomas Treiņš and Valdis “Staburags’ Children” directed by Jānis Znotins.

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The show “Laziness” tells about three friends who are given a task at school, unfortunately not all of them are so diligent to fulfill it, but they are given a second chance. The lazy of the friends offers the opportunity for the others to go to the land of Sloth. It’s a place where you don’t have to make an effort at all, where everything is probably done by someone else in your place. This world seems very tempting, it can be drawn in and not let go. Laziness ever strikes each of us and is even healthy sometimes by slipping, but one has to be careful because too long laziness is detrimental to health and mind. Because then maybe someone else in your place will become president. The production is intended for 1st-6th grade students.

The artist Marta Mielava and drama consultant Justīne Kļava are also in the creative team of the show. Actors Anna Nele Āboliņa, Oskars Florencs-Vīksne and Toms Veličko.

For the children of “Staburags” director Jānis Znotins, when creating the show, it was important not only to learn about Staburags again with the children, but to encourage them to read on their own initiative, not on the initiative of parents or teachers. The show is a great way to do this, as it also encourages participation. The story of Janci and Marča, who met on a spring day at the foot of Staburags. About the adventures and secrets of both friends, exploring the world and the surroundings of Staburags, which are no longer visible to us and have remained only in stories. The production is intended for 1st-4th grade students.

Lighting artist Mareks Lužinskis, drama consultant Madara Rutkēviča. Starring Aigars Apins, Jānis Znotins.

More information and application by phone +371 29141898 or by writing to e-mail: [email protected].

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