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Valérie Pécresse comes to cajole the local elected officials in Chartres

750 elected officials from all over France made the trip to the city of Carnutes, in order to participate in a round table of local elected officials concerning the territories, this Friday, March 4.

Jean-Pierre Gorges, Mayor of Chartres and President of Chartres Métropole, opened the meeting by taking a concrete example: “It took twenty years to carry out the development project for the station center in Chartres. We need administrative simplification at all levels. »

The round table on the power of local elected officials, and in particular mayors, presidents of agglomerations or communities of municipalities and presidents of departments, was launched.

35,000 arrows of France, our municipalities

Then Olivier Marleix, deputy (Dreux) and patron of the Republicans in Eure-et-Loir, then took the floor to castigate a country “where we pay the most taxes, but with public services in tatters”.

After more than an hour and a half of exchanges between elected officials on their place facing the State, standards and the people, Gérard Larcher, the President (LR) of the Senate, who came as a neighbor from Rambouillet (Yvelines), concluded exchanges, quoting Charles Péguy.

“I thought of the Chemin de Péguy when I came this Friday morning. Chartres must be the central point of our 35,000 arrows of France, our communes. It is the prayer of Chartres. »

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Regaining control over the allocation of social housing

Valérie Pécresse finally took the floor (it was 1:45 p.m.) in order to make concrete proposals for the territories.

“I want to restore a democracy of proximity by creating three simple principles: restore the pact of confidence with elected officials, transfer blocks of powers to elected officials and the State must trust communities”, launched Valérie Pécresse.

She then rolled out her program devoted to rural areas. She wants to have contracts signed between elected officials and prefects to transfer flexibility to mayors and community presidents.

“I want to give mayors back the power over urban planning. Faced with poor housing, we must build more and better. Mayors must regain control over the allocation of social housing. “A measure that triggered thunderous applause in the room.

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4,000 junior doctors in the territories in need

She also wants to “transfer the Family Allowance Funds (CAF) to the departments. I would also require 15 hours of activity per week for RSA beneficiaries”.

Two other measures garnered thunderous applause from elected officials present at Chartrexpo: “We will send 4,000 junior doctors to towns that lack practitioners. To eradicate ghettos in cities, there will be no more than 30% social housing. »

And at a time when the school maps have just been published in the departments, the promise “that no class will close without the mayor’s agreement” has, there too, seduced an electorate won over to its cause.

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Eric Ciotti, Philippe Juvin, Michel Barnier, Florence Portelli and Xavier Bertrand.

Before the round table, Eric Ciotti, Philippe Juvin, Michel Barnier, Florence Portelli and Xavier Bertrand held a press conference in front of the media, while Valérie Pécresse strolled through Chartres with Jean-Pierre Gorges and elected officials from the municipal council.

Claire Beguin

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