Home » today » Entertainment » Valerie Biden closes Change the World in New York: “The only leader in the USA is my brother Joe. The other doesn’t even deserve to be mentioned.”

Valerie Biden closes Change the World in New York: “The only leader in the USA is my brother Joe. The other doesn’t even deserve to be mentioned.”

The charge of four thousand students at the United Nations, study sessions with speakers of the highest level, harsh confrontations as is appropriate when discussing issues fundamental to our lives and then, naturally, the great final party in a large hotel in Times Square.

Even this year CWMUN, Change The World organized by the Diplomats Association with kids coming from 149 nations, it was a success. Many guests from Valerie Biden, former alternate representative of the United States at the sessions of the United Nations General Assembly, sister of Joe Biden and head of his election campaigns: : “The only leader of value is Joe, the other does not even deserve to be nominated” has said interviewed by Maria Latella in front of the student audience. “During 9/11 you probably weren’t born, but you all know what we’re talking about. Well, that was probably the last moment in which the world was united, because we knew fear. Today we are afraid of the future of the planet. You are the climate change generation. And I think of everything that has been done before you that is impacting you. We had thought of a different happy ending.”

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On the ongoing election campaign for the American presidential elections, Biden commented as follows: “My brother is the typical ordinary man, in the most positive sense: instead of imposing himself on others, he listens, understands, gives space and tries to find the right compromise. This is a true leader. The other candidate doesn’t even deserve to be nominated. He would not be respectful to either my brother or America. To win an electoral campaign you need to win hearts. People don’t care what you know until they know you care. The only way to move forward is to recognize the human being behind the person”, reiterated Biden who was the first woman to lead a presidential election campaign in the United States and was the one who led the seven electoral campaigns of older brother, current president of the USA.

Other guests included ministers Antonio Tajani (Foreign) e Matteo Piantedosi (Internal); Antonio Spadarounder-secretary of the Holy See Dicastery for culture and education; Maurizio Massari, Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations; Francesco Corvarospecial correspondent for Climate Change; Micheal MollerFormer Director General of United Nations Office at Geneva, Secretary- General of the Conference on Disarmament; Marco TardelliCWMUN Goodwill Ambassador and 1982 World Cup Champion; Salvatore CarrubbaPresident of the International Board of the Diplomats Association and former Director of Sun 24 Hours.

“Regarding the attack in Russia, already on 8 March on the Foreign Ministry website we had invited Italian citizens not to go to Moscow and those who were already there not to attend mass events. The terrorism alert had already been reported by Iran and the United States. I don’t know why there was this breach and why they were so unprepared. Putin takes advantage of this episode to pinpoint responsibility in Ukraine. But we know it has nothing to do with it.” This is what the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antonio Tajani, declared in an interview with Myrta Merlino. In front of 4000 students, Tajani was peremptory: “Italy will never send soldiers to Ukraine. The West helps Ukraine not to wage war but to ensure peace. The only way to force Putin to sit at the peace table is to help Ukraine resist. We have given economic aid, but we are not at war with Russia. We want Russia’s violated international law to be respected. Nobody wants to send soldiers to Ukraine because it would lead to World War III. We only work for peace. Russia should back down.” Journalist Myrta Merlino then asked the minister what Italy can do about the conflict in Gaza: “We are friends of Israel and no one can think of canceling the state of Israel. But I do not agree with the Israeli government’s decision to attack Rafah, we are in favor of a ceasefire. We must help the civilian population who have nothing to do with Hamas”. head because a mistake risks causing enormous damage”, concluded Tajani in his message to the young people present in New York.

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“After the attacks in Moscow, the issue of security has once again received great attention. Ensuring the safety of citizens at a time like this is a coveted asset regardless of ideal or ideological visions. My approach is not to be alarmist but to pay a lot of attention, to monitor and keep the lights on on the web, airports and other sensitive targets” said the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi. Interviewer Myrta Merlino then asked the minister about the issue of immigration. “My commitment is to combine the management aspects of regular admissions. We have proposed, with the flow decrees, entries for work reasons in significant numbers that have not been recorded for years, we have taken on the responsibility of giving the idea that we are not against immigration as such”, declared Piantedosi . “We promote humanitarian corridors and work entries, at the same time we have a rigorous approach regarding irregular entries. There is no doubt that regular immigration can be a great opportunity for countries with low birth rates, the problem is sustainability and the rules serve in this sense”.

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The appointment with the CWMUN, as recalled by the president of the Diplomatic Association Claudio Corbino, is for next year. Meanwhile, the organization is preparing to launch the Change the World Academy, with the ambition of providing students with the skills needed to emerge in a global world, evidenced by almost 25 years of history and one million registered students. An extraordinary experience that continues its unstoppable evolution and already has another novelty ready: Change the World” Beijing 2025 to continue evolving, aiming to inspire and train future generations of global leaders.

#Valerie #Biden #closes #Change #World #York #leader #USA #brother #Joe #doesnt #deserve #mentioned
– 2024-04-10 11:29:39

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