Because butterflies in your stomach are beautiful, deep feelings of affection make you happy and because loving is incredibly nice. Oh yeah, and also because it’s next Wednesday, February 14th.
If you want to share your passion, interest, affection, passion, friendship or burning love for those who deserve it, please email [email protected] and mention: ‘My Valentine’.
Your message can be as simple, creative, long or short as you want (although we prefer not to receive dick pics). We provide a romantic spot at De Orkaan.
At De Orkaan we are usually not very happy with ‘anonymous’, but on Valentine’s Day we make an exception. If you prefer not to have your name with your message, please mention it in the email.
This one for example:
“My dear Jan, After many empty years you have given me real love, as I never knew it. And now I always want to belong to you. #Arcticwolf🤍”
or this:
“So sweet and yet so far away… I know a single mother, whom I love (without being in love), who once lost sight of her only son due to harsh circumstances. I hope for her sake that her son (or daughter-in-law/grandchild?) will get a good poke in the ribs on Valentine’s Day and finally make himself heard. Come on Valentine’s Day, give it your best shot!”
and a short one:
2024-02-12 17:44:14
#Valentines #Day #Message #loved #Orkaan #Orkaan