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Valentina Vignali disease under control: the routine against cancer

Cestita had thyroid cancer 13 years ago and on social media she showed her many followers what life is like for those who have been sick with cancer and what checks they must undergo

Valentina Vignali she is a basketball player, but also a TV personality and an influencer who knows how to use her social channels in the best possible way. She never backed down when it came to talking about a painful topic like the thyroid cancer which he had at the very young age of 21. Unfortunately her situation is complicated because in addition to undergoing emergency surgery and radiotherapy cycles, she is forced to undergo very frequent checks as some lymph node metastases.

Valentina Vignali, illness and controls

Two days ago Valentina published a video in which she explains what she is forced to do every time. She sees herself talking before the checks, rather tense, then during the check with the doctor and finally after, once the results have been obtained, decidedly satisfied. Valentina has to keep an eye on her lymph nodes by undergoing ultrasound scans and blood tests for the blood test. Just the levy, says the athlete and former competitor’s Big Brotherthat’s the part he hates the most. For exams she always goes tohospital in Pisa, where they operated on her 13 years ago.

The metastases

Valentina speaks very clearly and simply and explained in very simple words what a metastasis is: “a phenomenon in which tumor cells move from the point of origin of formation and migrate elsewhere, forming a secondary tumor“. She has them in her lymph nodes.

How is Valentina Vignali now

In the video, Valentina shows what the doctor who performs the ultrasound tells her: at the moment the tumor is still, it has not grown and she asks if she could stay that way for life. The doctor replies “yes” and explains that it is not convenient to operate now, because in the event that in the future it should be necessary to remove those metastases, the neck is a sensitive part that it cannot be operated on many timesbecause there may be some complications. So at the moment Valentina just has to keep her under control and then, in case the situation develops for the worse, go under the knife again.


Valentina Vignali wrote on Instagram: “There is a constant in these 10 years of illness that does not abandon me, it is always the same question that they ask me: ‘But aren’t you afraid?’ No. I’m not afraid of something I can’t control. Cancer does as it pleases, he decides, can I be afraid of something that relies completely on chance? I can fight but not be afraid. What I’ve always tried to do is have the utmost respect for my body and my life, with nutrition, sport and whatever good I can do for the rest, chance will decide how things should go. For this reason I live at the speed of light and do whatever I want to do. All time. Even from bad things you learn and here I have learned that there is not always a second chance, so if I wake up wanting to see a place on the other side of the world I take a plane, if I want someone I tell them, if I feel like give a gift for no reason I’ll buy it, if I think of something I’ll shout it out to you. I live, love, breathe and piss myself to the nth degree. And it’s beautiful.”

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