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Valentin t-shirts with the effigy of the women of history

Caroline Chammah and her partner launch their business: Miss Catastrophe. They sell online t-shirts with portraits of women who have made history and who are often forgotten. “We have been working on this company for two years et we sell t-shirts with important personalities “.

They chose six women:

  • Joséphine Baker: singer, dancer, actress, magazine leader and resistance fighter.
  • Ada Lovelace: she developed the first computer program in history.
  • Valentina Tereshkova: first cosmonaut
  • Annette Kellermann: inventor of swimsuits and activist for the liberation of the female body
  • Jeanne Barret: explorer and botanist
  • Hedy Lamarr: inventor of a secret coding system for transmissions that gave rise to GPS)

The name Miss catastrophe, we chose it because these women had to face a lot of difficulties, pitfalls to get there, we told them that they would not make it and they succeeded anyway.“explains Caroline Chammah.”It is a reference to the famous sentence of Jean d’Ormesson: to live is a disaster and it is a great happiness.“.

The t-shirts are for sale on the internet on the company’s website miss-catastrophe.fr.

The two partners launched a crowdfunding campaign on the Ulule platform to be able to continue their activity, promote it and launch a summer collection of tank tops.

Caroline Chammah was invited to “the new eco” this Monday morning on France Bleu Drôme Ardèche:

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