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Valenciennes. Soon a direct route between the “rugby ball” and the hospital

Every day, coming from the A23 motorway, nearly 33,000 motorists take the northern entrance (exit 11) to the city of Valenciennes. The very one at the end of which we find this huge roundabout located between the districts of La Plaine and Chasse Royale, more commonly known as the “rugby ball”. However, this “landscape” is called to be totally transformed by means of a declaration ” of community interest »By the elected representatives of Valenciennes Métropole. This means that the entire area (up to the intersection with avenue de Denain) is about to undergo major works. In particular, it is a question of creating a direct route to the hospital center. Or again, the establishment of ” new economic activities »On the plots to be released.

New boulevard

As things stand, Valenciennes Métropole considers that this penetrating entry creates “ real physical barriers between neighborhoods“. And that this one would tend to ” prevent exchanges between districts and towards equipment and services“. For the Agglo, it is also a question of supporting the efforts undertaken at Chasse Royale, Dutemple, Saint-Waast and Chanteclerc. Neighborhoods subject to ” strong interventions in terms of urban renewal ” for several years. This is why Valenciennes Métropole now wishes to become “ to restructure “This North entrance, and thus integrate it into its” urban renewal dynamic« .

The amount of the investment has already been quantified. A budget of 52 million euros will be needed to complete this project. A project ” complex“, Having regard to its” surface area and the multiplicity of areas of intervention“. The roadmap has also already been written. In detail, for Valenciennes Métropole it is initially a question of ” move the motorway slip roads as close as possible to the motorway ” and “To develop a new urban and landscaped boulevard “With” sharing of public space between active modes of travel« , « peaceful atmosphere and plant presence“. There are also plans to create direct access to neighborhoods. With a pedestrian path from the Chasse Royale college (which will replace the current footbridge), new connections to the residential sector of the Plaine district, a direct link (from the boulevard) to the Dutemple district. Another direct route will be mapped out for ” facilitate “Access to the hospital and for” unclog the crossroads of the Dampierre pyramid“. A P + R car park is also being considered for “ promote the use of public transport“. As for the potential new economic establishments, these will be studied ” in complementarity »With what is already existing in the neighborhoods. ” And for the sake of access to employment for the population« .

Valenciennes Métropole will finance this 52 million euros project as part of a Development Partnership Project (PPA) comprising the State, the Region and the Department. To see this work come to fruition, however, it will be necessary to wait a little longer since the studies will be launched during the coming months in 2021. These will notably make it possible to ” design the facilities« , « to refine the cost “Of the project and” define the financing plan« .

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