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Valencian hoteliers appeal the Imserso specifications for harming them

The Valencian hotel management Hosbec has appealed today before the Central Administrative Court of Contractual Appeals against the sheets of the Imserso for understanding that violate the Public Administration Contract Law and they harm their establishments. Among the reasons that have led Hosbec to resort to the documents published on the 4th last day to regulate the trips of 800,000 people are the absence of a cost study, the ‘de facto’ exclusion of 3-star hotels and extensions without price review in a scenario of soaring inflation and costs.

At the resort, the hoteliers They request the nullity to correct the serious defects of these specifications that, in his opinion, they “seriously” harm the hotel sector. According to Hosbec, the specifications lack a cost study for each of the services that make up the object of the tender, and especially the obligation to study the labor cost is breached in a service (the hotelier), in which personnel costs account for more than 50% of its value.

The sector contributed in its day the economic and statistical report prepared by the University of Alicante on the Unit costs borne by hotel establishments linked to the Social Tourism program. These costs are in a range between 27 and 33 euros per overnight stay depending on whether or not they bear the structural costs (mortgage, rents, amortization) respectively. In addition, these costs have to be translated into a contract price which also includes a industrial profit margin, However small is.

Hosbec has indicated that the prices at which the program has traditionally been working are, in addition, far removed from average rates which for the winter season is the one applied in the sector according to INE data: 64.40 euros in the Valencian Community for a double room in accommodation only, while the Imserso has valued at 46 euros the maximum income for a double in full board with water and wine, animation and a long list of services.

The second reason is ‘de facto’ exclusion of 3-star hotels of this tender, when these are those who have historically endured the program and they are the ones can better be tailored to needs of this group. In the valuation that is carried out, the hotel offer has an important weight and the 4-star category (4 points) is valued with double points over the 3-star category (2 points) without any justification, which has the immediate effect that only 4 hotel establishments have real possibilities to participate in the IMSERSO program.


The third reason is two annuities of extension that are foreseen without any type of economic review: neither the user’s contribution nor that of the State will increase in financial years 22/23 and 23/24. Is lack of forecast of price update again collides with the absence of serious and rigorous cost studies since in the current inflation scenario, with energy costs skyrocketing to all-time highs, with raw materials and food getting more expensive day after day, three annuities in a row with the same economic framework are “unsustainable.” The possibility of executing an extension is, in addition, an exclusive power of the Administration, being mandatory for the rest of the program operators.

The President of Hosbec, Toni Mayor, has stated that “again the government has not listened to us, has turned a deaf ear to all the recommendations of the sector and in these moments of special crisis where should show strong support for the recovery of the tourism industry, has lost the opportunity to think big, in reconstruction lever to the industry that has suffered the most and is suffering from this pandemic. “

“We have not had no choice but to present this appeal because otherwise it would suppose three years of misery and humiliation for entrepreneurs, as well as an unprecedented damage, “he stressed,” for the 3-star hotel plant that can be seen again doomed to closure during the winter for being excluded from this new contract. “The hotel sector is in the most complicated situation in its history, said Mayor, and “It needs governments that help and not programs that distribute life jackets full of cement.”

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