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Valencian businessmen ask the IVF to extend the ceiling on rescue credits for tourism

New meeting in the negotiation between employers and the Valencian Government to specify support measures for the sectors most affected by sanitary restrictions. If last week it was the Valencian Finance Institute (IVF) who made a first proposal (a line of 50 million euros in loans with 30% non-refundable, one year of grace period and a symbolic interest), this Wednesday it was the businessmen who asked the Generalitat Valenciana to clarify some of the conditions.

The main impediment that he saw to the Hosbec hotel management is that the line put on the table by the director of the IVF, Manuel Illueca, was the ceiling of the credits: 22,500 euros.

In fact, the intention of the autonomous administration was to try to make the most of the 50 million initially planned with small projects and that this money be used mainly by SMEs and micro-enterprises, which are those that require smaller investments.


In the Treasury they assure that no figure is closed but that the decision is imminent

However, hoteliers consider that this limitation prevents large volume merchants from being eligible for the funds, which is why they have asked to raise this cap to 300,000. The reason, they argued, is that “the very nature of the companies in the Valencian Community requires not setting such a low limit.”

This is how they raised it this Wednesday to the Treasury technicians and that is what, according to IVF sources, they are going to try to achieve some kind of intermediate solution that will materialize “in the coming days.”

Which? The same sources stated that one of the lines of work is to grant loans to lost fund by sections, so that those companies that opt ​​for small loans do obtain that lost fund of 30%; the more money requested, that percentage would be less, because the Administration would have to make a much greater effort, taking into account that the exemption is proportional to the amount given.

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In the Treasury they insist that all the figures and conditions with which they are working are “still provisional”, although they warned that the sector was demanding a quick response and that the agreement will be closed predictably “in the coming days”, it may even be that this week.

At the moment the initial amount of this credit line is the 50 million planned, but what options are to expand it is being studied.


For his part, Manuel Espinar, president of CONHOSTUR and FEHV, agreed that the maximum amount initially set “for a small businessman is perfect, but for large entrepreneurs it falls short.” Espinar argued that they need to expand the ceiling up to 200,000 euros, and that the endowment of the fund that will manage the IVF is 150 million euros.


The hoteliers believe that the fund should have at least 150 million

Regarding the aid that Valencian president Ximo Puig announced this Tuesday, the sector receives them with good spirit but not without criticism. “You cannot make a clean sweep depending on the business.” In any case, while waiting for the details and the fine print of the new covid fund, he appreciates that municipalities such as Valencia have announced the exemption from paying some taxes, but he believes that they should go further.

He explained that the Valencian council “would have to go further because it knows that 2021 will be more chaotic than 2020. We have been working below the billing threshold for many months and now we live off the daily cash register. Or real aid comes with real exemptions… we need things that have a greater impact on the operating account ”.

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