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Valencia will ask again on Monday to go to phase 1 and does not see “political tint” in the Health decision


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The Minister of Universal Health of the Valencian Generalitat, Ana Barceló, He has advanced that this Monday he will meet with the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, and that during this meeting it will again request that the Valencian Community enter entirely into phase 1 of de-escalation. In addition, he has indicated that he does not believe that “there is any political tinge” in the Ministry’s decision not to allow all Valencian departments to advance in mistrust.

This is how it was pronounced this Saturday in its daily appearance to report the situation of the coronavirus in the Valencian Community, after this Friday the Ministry announced that the Valencian Community does not jointly go to Phase 1 of the de-escalation process, although ten health departments of the 24 in which it is divided do.

Barceló has reiterated his statements on Friday night, when he said that “does not share” the decision that the Valencian Community as a whole does not advance to phase 1. He has insisted that he fulfilled “all the requirements” and regretted that “he still” does not know “the criteria that the Ministry has used so that only ten departments passed”. “We will continue working to have that exam reviewed and we can continue moving forward,” he said.

In this sense, he explained that this Friday he already transferred his request to “know those criteria” to the Ministry and has clarified that “It is not asking for explanations”, but it tries to know “the reasons why it understood that the rest of the departments could not pass” when the Ministry and its technical team believed that they did, in order to “focus on that exam we have” and “put all the effort to be able to reach phase 1 as soon as possible “.

No political reasons

Asked if you consider that the decision of the ministry is for political reasons, has denied this possibility But he has insisted that he wants to know the reasons: “I don’t think there is any political tinge, I think that there are technical criteria that the Valencian Community simply wants to know so that we can correct it.”

It has pointed to factors such as the fact that, in areas that have not passed to phase 1, there is a higher density of population and mobility, but has argued that the Valencian Community has “demonstrated its assistance capacity” and throughout the pandemic “it always maintained some of the lowest levels” and placed itself among the communities “with the least incidence”.

“This is about passing the exam and getting our activities up and running right away. We need our social and economic activity, therefore what we want is to pass it when before, “he stressed, while insisting that for this they have to know if” there is something they have detected “from the Ministry.

On whether he will again request that the Valencian Community go to phase 1, he has indicated: “Of course, on Monday we will sit down again with the Ministry.” He has specified that there is not yet a specific time, but that he will request a meeting and that the Ministry “was already predisposed” this Friday for it to occur. “That meeting will take place on Monday,” he assured. In addition, on whether it would be necessary to wait for the following Monday to advance to phase 1, Barceló is “confident that it may be sooner.”

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