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València taxi drivers denounce car blockades and fines by the Consell

València taxi drivers denounce car blockades and fines by the Consell

The Platform for People Affected by the New Taxi Law yesterday denounced the problems suffered by the delay in the renewal of the identification card.

The president of the entity, Isabel Segura, blamed this situation on the Ministry of Transport, whose delay in the procedures entailed “fines of up to 400 euros and the immobilization of vehicles.”

Approximately 2,900 taxis circulate in Valencia and its metropolitan area

The identification card of each driver must be renewed every five years, with the new drivers hired and even with the renewal of their contract.

“It is easy to understand the movement that exists and for the record that the procedure is not cheap because it costs us 50 euros each time.”

After several episodes with the Local Police, who have come to send the Valencia taxis to the tow truck due to the lack of a card, the platform decided to report it.

“They give us a receipt when we ask for the card that is valid for 15 days, but the problem is that the process takes several months.”

On the contrary, sources from the Conselleria de Transports pointed out the delays:

“It is because in some cases taxi drivers or their associations do not present the documentation correctly. According to the regulations, the territorial services could require them to rectify and, after 10 days, issue a withdrawal resolution, which would force them to have to present the documentation again and pay the fee again.

But instead of doing this, they wait for all the documentation to be presented and then they issue the card. If a taxi driver presents the documentation correctly, he obtains it within the deadline ».

From the platform they argued that “card issuance requests accumulate, many of them from before the pandemic, without giving them an exit in months and without worrying about notifying the problem to the Local Police to avoid unfair actions.”

“The neglect of the functions of the autonomous administration translates into fines, stoppages of taxis and drivers sometimes treated as criminals, who cannot work for days because they have not received a ‘cardboard’ on time that could be printed in five minutes”.

The current situation due to Covid-19 does not serve as an excuse, because many of the requests were submitted months before the pandemic.

“We are many taxi drivers who are claiming our identification document every week for fear of sanctions, but they ignore it, claiming that they are saturated, that they only have one person to process all the cards, that they are not enough.”

The truth is that the administration has not bothered to offer a temporary solution.

For example, a regulation that extends the terms of the provisional document or, at a minimum, notifying the police of this administrative problem.

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València taxi drivers denounce car blockades and fines by the Consell

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