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Valais village warns GPS drivers with signs about narrow streets

The village of Loc belongs to the municipality of Crans Montana. Image: KEYSTONE

Valais village warns GPS drivers with signs about narrow streets

The Valais village of Loc has enough of trucks that are guided by the GPS positioning system through its narrow streets: The municipality is now warning drivers with an anti-GPS sign that they will drive through to the well-known holiday resort of Crans-Montana.

In the village there is not only a lot of traffic but also a lot of damage to the topping, said the Mayor of Crans-Montana, Nicolas Féraud, the local radio station Rhône FM, on Friday. Countless gutters were destroyed when 40-ton trucks passed the narrow streets in the village of 250 on their way to Crans-Montana. The drivers would suddenly find themselves on unpaved roads in the wine-growing region.

“Caution! Do not follow the navigation instructions, the proposed route leads you through narrow streets that are not suitable for traffic », the sign says in four languages. Image: KEYSTONE

The community had a sign posted in four languages ​​on the roadside access and warned the drivers. “Caution! Do not follow the navigation instructions, the proposed route leads you through narrow streets that are not suitable for traffic », it says on the board made a few months ago.

The local authorities had previously unsuccessfully tried to technically block the route. But it is almost impossible to make changes in a navigation system that are determined by algorithms at the other end of the world, said the mayor. (sda)


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