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Vaccino, Campania sets the goal: 45 thousand doses administered every day

The objectives to be achieved are 500,000 inoculations per day and 80 percent of the Italian population immunized against Covid-19 by September. Key points indicated in National vaccine plan outlined ten days ago by the commissioner Paolo Figliuolo. A goal that, for now, is observed with binoculars and there is still a long way to go. On Sunday, which closed the last week, about 232 thousand doses were administered in the boot for a total, starting from the V-day of December 27, 2020, of just over 7,760,000 total doses while it was only 4.14 percent of the population of our country has been fully vaccinated. On the same day, in 24 hours in Campania, about 18 thousand doses of the three available drugs (Astra Zeneca, Moderna and Pfizer) were injected, while from the beginning of the vaccination campaign there were a total of 662 thousand and to have completed the cycle of injections so is only 3.85 per cent of the population. When fully operational, to achieve the set goal, they should be 45 thousand doses administered in Campania every 24 hours. Here, too, a goal that is still far away if we consider that, even on peak days, marked before the stop at Astra Zeneca, a maximum of 23,000 doses were inoculated in one day.


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The limit, so far, for the vaccination machine of Campania – which has proved to be among the most efficient in the country – has been the vaccine stocks and dropper deliveries. So much so that the announced sending, in all regions, of technical observers by Commissioner Figiuolo, is seen as a useless centralist emphasis in the face of the only knot to be solved that concerns, in fact, the increase in supplies. Node made tighter in Campania, so far, by the failure to comply with the per capita allocation criterion (ie a dose for each head). After the start-up phase, in which deliveries were parameterized on the number of priority categories to be vaccinated (health workers and the elderly concentrated in the North), now that the general population needs to be immunized, it is time to rebalance the allocations. The good news – without prejudice to the fears and shyness, translated into many renunciations, of the candidates to lend their arm to Astra Zeneca – is the sharp increase in deliveries of Pfizer.

By today, in the meantime, about a million doses of this drug produced by the US giant, will be distributed to the Regions involving 214 facilities in the country. This is what the Covid emergency commissioner, General Paolo Francesco Figliuolo, communicated during yesterday morning’s working meeting at Palazzo Chigi with Prime Minister Mario Draghi and the head of Civil Protection Fabrizio Curcio. In Campania between today and tomorrow they will arrive with this dowry 121,680 doses compared to a maximum of 50,000 per week delivered so far. Next week they will be 72,500 and the following week again 107,000 subject to adjustments. Supplies that have already set in motion the vaccination centers active in the various hospitals (Cardarelli, Policlinici, Colli) that are contacting fragile patients to support the work of the ASL. We are moving on the same wavelength as regards family doctors while the outpatient specialists of the districts and Sumai, who have made an ad hoc agreement at national level, despite having communicated their willingness to vaccinate to the regional crisis have not yet had any response.

These doctors together with those of the family could reach at home the categories of frail non-ambulatory people using the more manageable Moderna vaccine, which can be stored in normal refrigerators. In this case, the doses arrived yesterday are 23,300. Of Astra Zeneca, from yesterday to March 27, 54,500 doses should arrive and from March 29 to April 3 another 84,700. The turning point will take place in mid-April with the delivery of Johnson & Johnson, which can be administered in a single dose and available already filled. In Campania, so far (data updated to last Sunday evening) 668,478 doses have been administered (447,513 first doses and 220,965 second doses). In particular, over 21 thousand were inoculated to the police, 204266 to the over 80 (out of 231,652 booked), 7,417 administered in the age group between 70-79 years (out of 214,972 to be inoculated), then 314,496 attributed to health personnel , 117,998 to school staff, a few thousand finally to care, giver, disabled and frail. The largest share of administered doses is the prerogative of Pfizer (492,217), followed by Astra Zeneca with just over 147,000 and Moderna with about 28,000.

That there is still a long way to go to reach the predetermined vaccination quotas the numbers say so, but it must also be said that so far the increase has been constant and the turning point is coming: this week in Italy about 165 thousand vaccinations a day were made compared to 179 thousand a week ago. Deflection due to the suspension of Astra Zeneca. However, the inoculations were 157,000 two weeks, just over 74,000 four weeks ago and about 50,000 at the end of January. It would take another year and a half to vaccinate 70% of the population. Campania goes hand in hand: this week there were 11,800 vaccinations per day on average, compared to 13,700 a week ago, 13,900 two weeks ago and 8,000 four weeks. Campania, which pays more for fears about Astra Zeneca, on Sunday there were 12 thousand vaccinations for a total of just over 673 thousand doses administered.

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