Home » today » Business » Vaccines, second wrong dose to a woman: Pfizer instead of Astrazeneca, the carabinieri intervene

Vaccines, second wrong dose to a woman: Pfizer instead of Astrazeneca, the carabinieri intervene

A woman was supposed to have received the second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, but doctors get it wrong and give her another one. In the vaccination hub of Moscarella, in Castellammare di Stabia (Naples) the carabinieri had to intervene to restore calm, after the vaccinated town learned of the doctors’ error. For reasons still to be ascertained, in fact, the woman was vaccinated with Pfizer. When the doctors realized the mistake, the vaccine dose had already been inoculated to the woman who had a lot to complain about and the storm broke out in the Stabiese vaccination hub, so much so that the doctors struggled to keep the situation under control . The woman alerted the carabinieri to report the incident. The military identified the doctors. The woman is currently under strict surveillance by the ” Pharmacovigilance ”.

The health director of ASL Napoli 3 Sud in charge of the vaccination hub of the Moscarella district, Dr. Gaetano D’Onofrio, has ensured that at the moment the woman is well. «The few evidences of these cases, related to other exchanges of vaccines in other parts of the world – he explains – did not cause harmful effects for the person who received the second dose of vaccine other than the first administration. From a serological point of view, the first administration creates immunity and therefore the second acts as a booster ».

«It is so recently that these vaccines have been administered that it is not yet possible to establish the time and extent with which the first dose and then the booster work. The district director has activated the Pharmacovigilance and the lady is monitored by telephone ». For now, the health director of ASL Napoli 3 Sud reiterates, “in literary terms, in the 7 months in which these vaccines have been administered so far, in England and America, no harmful effects have occurred in cases of serum exchange” .

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