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Vaccines Proven Effective to Prevent Certain Diseases

WE Online, Jakarta

Vaccine discovered by Edward Jenner for the first time in 1796 to treat smallpox (smallpox). Since then vaccines have continued to be developed because they are recognized and proven to prevent diseases caused by certain viruses or bacteria. The vaccine itself is an antigen or active substance on viruses and bacteria which, when injected, can cause an immune system reaction to fight the virus or disease.

Prof. Dr. dr. Cissy Rachiana Sudjana, Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, Padjadjaran University, said that the vaccine is the substance. The process of insertion into the body is called vaccination. Immunization is the reaction of our body after getting the vaccine. The body will be stimulated to form anti-bodies in the immune system. Also Read: Covid-19 Vaccine Priced at Rp. 500 Thousand, Too Expensive?

In addition to antibodies, the body will produce memory cells, so our immune system can produce antibodies for all kinds of bad diseases, “he explained at the event. Dialogue Tuesday: Exploring Vaccines and Immunization, organized by the Committee for Handling Covid-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN) in Jakarta, recently. Also Read: Free and Paid Covid-19 Vaccine Facts, Like This, Jokowi’s Order

According to him, the impact of immunization on reducing disease transmission was recorded to be very large. Several vaccines have succeeded in suppressing the spread of certain diseases such as haemophilus influenza, pneumonia, mumps, rubella, and typhus. All of these diseases have decreased in number, along with immunization.

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