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Vaccines have huge benefits for protecting society, experts say

JAKARTA, iNews.id – People do not have to be afraid to do it vaccination. The reason is that vaccination or immunization has been known since the 18th century throughout the world and has been proven capable and has a high success rate in protecting humans by providing immunity against various diseases.

In Indonesia, one example of the success of vaccines is the prevention of transmission of smallpox in the 1980s.

“Don’t be afraid of vaccinations because the quality is maintained and of course, from registration to manufacturing, it is maintained. It is also guarded by WHO and of course its implementation in Indonesia is also guarded by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), “said the Director of Health and Quarantine Supervision, Saturday. Directorate General of P2P Ministry of Health, Dr. R Vensya Sitohang M Epid, quoted by iNews.id, Saturday (10/3/2020).

He made this known when he spoke at the “Vaccines: Protect Yourself, Protect the Country” dialogue held at the Central Media Processing Committee. Covid-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN), and broadcast on the FMB9 YouTube channel, Thursday (1/10/2020).

Vaccines are available for various diseases, ranging from smallpox, polio, tuberculosis, pneumonia, tetanus, measles, rubella, hepatitis B, diphtheria, encephalitis. Japan, whooping cough and the latest cervical cancer. Including maternal and newborn tetanus which were successfully eliminated in 2016. There are also maternal and newborn diseases.

“The development of immunization never stops, therefore support is needed from all parties so that all those who are targets of immunization can get their rights and be immunized. The goal is to avoid diseases that can be prevented by vaccination, “he said.

To regulate the provision of vaccines, the government prepared Law no. 36 of 2009 concerning health, which stipulates that every child has the right to basic vaccination in accordance with the provisions aimed at preventing diseases that can be prevented by vaccination. Through Permenkes No.12 of 2017, the government will provide and distribute all logistics related to vaccinations ranging from vaccines, syringes, safety boxes, etc.

Especially for the Covid-19 vaccine, so far the government has prepared a roadmap so that the vaccine is available on time.

“For the short term, the government has conducted diplomacy with various parties in the supply of vaccines. Meanwhile, for the long term, the development of the red and white vaccine is carried out for domestic production, “said Vensya.

Regarding childhood immunization, the Head of Public Relations and Welfare of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), Dr. Hartono Gunadi, said: “There is a need to educate parents so that they understand vaccination, without fear that their children will be infected with dangerous infectious diseases that must be prevented. by vaccination. . Parents must understand, accept and have a good attitude towards vaccination. “

One such misconception is that fever occurs after a healthy child has been vaccinated. Because there is an opinion that vaccination is dangerous. In fact, only one percent of 100 percent of children vaccinated can develop a fever.

“The side effects are very mild and temporary and can be relieved by simple treatment compared to the complications that can be caused if the child does not have immunity,” said Hartono.

For example, if not given pentavalent vaccination, children can catch diphtheria, tetanus, cough for 100 days, including pneumonia which is the main cause of death in children under five.

Vaccine side effects or the so-called post-immunization follow-up events (AEFI) are divided into two. Most often there is generalized or systemic AEFI such as fever, loss of appetite, weakness or nervousness. He said it was only temporary and disappeared in a day or two. Then there are other local AEFIs such as injection marks that will cause pain, swelling or redness that will disappear within a few days. He asked parents not to panic and fear vaccinations.

In the dialogue forum, UNICEF Indonesia’s Development Communication Specialist Rizky Ika Syafitri said, “Indonesia itself has been implementing an immunization program for more than 30 years. Globally, it is even longer, and vaccines have been shown to save millions of children from death, disease and disability. “

Rizky said that giving immunizations to the community has many challenges. Because there are still many people who don’t know that vaccination is important. Then there are many hoaxes or hoaxes related to vaccination.

“The government together with Unicef ​​and other institutions are trying to respond to various false and incorrect information related to immunization,” said Rizky. (CM)

Editor: Tuty Ocktaviany

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