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Vaccines, exceeded 80%. But among the over 50s there are still 3 million without coverage

Although delayed by a few days on the target set by the Government (by the end of September), the vaccination coverage complete anti-Covid dell’80% of the population over 12 years old: we are at80,04%. A minimum safety threshold behind which, however, some weak points are noted: the audience share of over 50s who have not received any dose is still high: three million people out of a total of 8,163. In the North, 3.7 million still out of the vaccination cycle. Then there are ten Regions in addition to the two autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano which remain below the national average (Sicily, last, is still at 72.3%).

Coverage by age group

Even if the percentage of those over 50 who have no vaccination coverage is 10,75%, continues to worry about their absolute number. It has finally fallen below three million: a month ago (10 September) it was at an altitude 3.541 million, now reduced to 2,987. However, this is a considerable figure for an audience that includes people of working age.

A situation that could create organizational difficulties considering that since October 15 it will be mandatory to have a green pass to access public and private workplaces. Also in the light of these numbers Regions ask for a change to the system for issuing the green certification on tampons, extending the validity times (currently 48 hours with rapid test and 72 with molecular) and giving companies the possibility to organize themselves also for the execution of the tests.

The highest percentage of those who have not yet received vaccinations are among the youngest (30,4%) but it should be remembered that this age group was the last to be able to access immunization. Twenties (15,2% “Uncovered”) do better than those in their thirties (without doses the 20,3%) and forties (19,4%).

The difference between Regions

Among the Regions, on the other hand, above the coverage threshold of 80% are nine Regions (the Lazio is 83.5%, Lombardy e Puglia 83%), while 10 in addition to the provinces of Trento and Bolzano have not yet reached the safety threshold. Last is the Sicily with 72.4%. According to the projection of Lab24, with the current rate of injections, would reach the target the 22 november.

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