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Vaccines by age group

Coronavirus vaccination schedule: which vaccine you get and when according to your age group.

When will I be vaccinated? It is the question that thousands of Spaniards repeat after the constant announcements of arrivals of doses of the vaccine coronavirus to our country. According to the plans of the Government of Pedro Sánchez, 70% of the population will be vaccinated before the end of the summer if the deadlines of the vaccination schedule in Spain. Thus, it will be many who arrive at the summer period immunized against the coronavirus in Valencia, Alicante and Castelló, in addition to the rest of the country, but there will be other population groups that will receive the covid vaccine during the summer months, especially after the arrival of new vaccines like Janssen’s. Others, the younger ones, will have to wait for September.

Older than 80 years

The over 80 years old They will be vaccinated before next May 9. It assumes that three million Spanish men and women would be fully vaccinated on the same day that the state of alarm will end, provided that the deadlines of the Government of Spain are met. However, if this planning is fulfilled, in reality there would be five million people vaccinated in Spain by that date, since other groups have already begun to receive vaccines.

Between 70 and 79 years

The population group between 70 and 79 You must be vaccinated before June 6. The Executive aims to have 10 million Spanish immunized. With the arrival of the new Janssen vaccine, the vaccination of this age group will be expedited since the Central Executive plans to inoculate this single-dose antidote to people belonging to this age group. They would, in fact, be the first to receive this covid vaccine.

Between 66 and 69 years: change of criteria

The citizens whose age is between 66 and 69 he is expected to be fully vaccinated before June 20. It is the population group that has experienced the most changes in recent days after the modification of the vaccination criteria by the health authorities, which previously ruled out vaccinating these people with AstraZeneca and that since last week they will include in vaccination with the Oxford antidote.

Between 56 and 65

Those people who have between 56 and 65 years. This group must complete the vaccination schedule before June 20, but it could be extended for a few more days and finalized in July.

Between 46 and 55

Those who are between 46 and 55 years old have a maximum of July 25 to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, according to the Executive’s deadlines.

Up to 32 years

Before August 31, the Government wants all people over the age of 32 to be immunized against the coronavirus.

As of September, those under the age of 31

The group between 18 and 31 years of age is expected to begin to be vaccinated from September since the Government’s plan ends in August, so it is understood that the vaccination of this age group will begin here.

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The coronavirus vaccine according to the age group: which vaccine is your turn.


Vaccines are not recommended, at the moment, for those under 18 years of age. we will have to wait for the results of the current studies to know what is done with these population groups.

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