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Vaccines are Very Important to Strengthen Community Immunity


JAKARTA – Vaccines are the most effective tool for dealing with infectious diseases, preventing epidemics and pandemics of disease and razing infectious diseases. Through the mass immunization program, the vaccine has been shown to suppress transmission of measles (measles) and rubella (German measles) viruses using the MR vaccine.

Continuous and consistent educational factors must also be carried out, to make people aware of the importance of immunization. Not all people are able to accept vaccines voluntarily as positive and protective.

Dr. dr. Kohar Hari Santoso, Director of RSUD Saiful Anwar Malang and Chairman of the East Java Covid-19 Task Force Tracing Team, said that not everyone wants their children to be immunized, because of ignorance about the Post-Immunization Ikutan Incident (KIPI).

“So the role of the media in educating the public is very important,” he said in the ‘Productive Dialogue’ with the theme ‘Learning from the Success of the MR Vaccine’ in East Java and the Role of Media in Vaccinations organized by the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN), Tuesday (17/11/2020).

“In East Java there are three major groups of people, in the western area it is called Mataraman, where usually the role models are regional leaders such as the village head. There is a culture of arek culture around Surabaya, usually listening to experts and experts. Then there is the horseshoe area which is predominantly cultured by the Madurese community. They usually listen to religious figures. This cultural approach will be supported by the media, “added Dr. Kohar.

Wahyoe Boediwardhana, a journalist involved in MR Immunization in East Java in 2017 and currently working as a national daily journalist at the same event also said that introducing the community to immunization cannot be done by one or two media, but must be collaborative.

“From there we can then convey the importance of immunization and vaccines for children. From there the thought emerged that this is an important thing and we must convey to the public.”

On the basis of this good intention, Wahyoe also formed the Sahabat Anak Journalist community. This association has the goal and desire to help educate the public in conveying positive information related to children’s health.

“This is what we do, so we have to know who is faced, what kind of character, what should be conveyed, how and when is the right time to convey the message. That’s what we apply in society, “he said.

The diverse character of the people of East Java is a challenge in educating the public, especially scrapping hoax information about the MR vaccine at that time. The demographics of the pesantren, urban, communal communities, to remote areas that are far from the reach of communication support, are a variety of challenges.

“Those exposed to hoaxes about vaccines are not only those who lack education but also people who are well educated. This requires a separate strategy. To erode this, we chose to flood the public with positive information, ”explained Wahyoe.

The MR vaccine itself is a vaccine for infection with the Measles (Meases) and German Measles (Rubella) virus. Measles can cause meningitis and is fatal in children. Meanwhile, Rubella can cause congenital abnormalities in babies. When Rubella infects a pregnant woman, the child who is born can develop defects.

The public must be told the importance of immunization to prevent all these bad effects. Providing this understanding is not simple. Often the funnels have to pass through influential figures in society.

Not only does it stop at vaccine education, but the public must also get sufficient explanation about AEFIs that can occur and be overcome easily. “We have prepared a team, experts, doctors to anticipate an AEFI. We have prepared that. AEFI itself is not a scary thing, because it is usually mild. However, prevention to reduce the risk of these follow-up events must still be done, “said Dr. Kohar.

So that all information about vaccines reaches the public correctly. Wahyoe and the East Java Sahabat Anak Journalist community also continue to enrich their knowledge, knowledge and understanding of immunization.

“Before we decided to convey a positive message to the public. First journalists who we enriched their understanding. We share as much knowledge as possible with fellow journalists, “he said.

People must realize that prevention is better than cure. Not only do you avoid pain, but they are also cheaper in terms of cost. “I agree that the MR vaccine comes at a cost. But compared to being infected later, if you get sick, or have a disability, the burden is higher, the cost is even more expensive, “concluded Dr. Kohar.


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