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“Vaccine since April. Lockdown? Not with this president …”




Trump: Vaccine since April.  Lockdown?  Not with this president ...

“My administration will distribute the vaccine. There are millions of doses ready to go. By April it will be available to the entire population.” Donald Trump returns to speak in the White House and takes stock of the production of the coronavirus vaccine. “Pfizer’s vaccine is fantastic, it is 90% efficient. Millions of doses are ready to go as soon as there is approval. The vaccine will be available to the public, with the exception of New York state. Governor Cuomo wants take time on the vaccine, he does not trust. We will not deliver the vaccine to New York until authorization is given. The governor will tell us when it is ready, “he adds, repeating that” we have the most cases because no one does the tests we do “.

“The lockdown has cost us 50 billion a day and hundreds of thousands of jobs. I will not do a lockdown, this administration will not. Any administration will be there, time will tell, who knows … This administration will not do a lockdown, “he adds almost opening, for a moment, at the beginning of a new phase with Joe Biden in the White House. “Under no circumstances will this administration make a lockdown.”

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