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Vaccine refuser sustains permanent lung damage and repents on IC: ‘Think carefully’

A trumpet player in his sixties has to say goodbye to his music passion for good because of the corona virus. He was healthy, had not been vaccinated, became infected and had to be rushed to hospital. He is now in ICU and doctors determine that his body is permanently damaged and will not fully recover. In fact, his lungs are so badly affected that a lung transplant is probably the only option for returning to a more or less normal life.

The VRT Journaal interviewed Valentin in the IC of the Vesalius University Hospital in Tongeren. He says that he was afraid of the vaccine and that he was guided by negative reports in the French-language media. “In the beginning, there was television about what the vaccine does badly. (cough) One got this and the other got that. That is why me and my wife have not had us vaccinated.” In October he had to be admitted and that changed his view. “What I’ve been through… (silence) They came for me with the MUG (Mobile Urgency Group, a special medical team, ed.). I believe I still had an oxygen value of 35 in my blood – in healthy people that saturation value is between 95 and 99 percent, ed. But I still remember a lot. I have seen death up close.”

He has an appeal for anyone who has not yet been vaccinated: “People need to think carefully. Vaccination, wearing a mouth mask, and everything that hangs around that. (…) People should pay more attention and have more respect.”

The wise words have not yet been spent on his life partner. She also contracted corona and experienced serious consequences, although they were less serious than with her husband. She still does not want to give up her position on the vaccines, but is willing to be vaccinated, if necessary again. “If I get vaccinated in the future, I will do it for my husband, to protect him. But it will be reluctantly.”

Valentin no longer understands the refusers and finds them selfish. “The doctors, nurses… they all work here, but they also have their private lives. We should not be selfish, we should also look at them. Because if we didn’t have them, I wouldn’t be here.” He would say to friends who have not yet been vaccinated that they are “selfish for the others. You have to experience it to understand it.”

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