Symptoms of smallpox del mono: general malaise, low-grade fever, headache, muscle, bone, and lower back aches and pains, flu-like symptoms, exhaustion, urinary problems, skin rash, adenopathy or swollen lymph nodes, skin pimples with suppuration, blemishes dark spots on the hands and other areas of the body, bruises without bumps, and scabs or abscesses on the skin of the penis, scrotum or perianal area.
The most infectious phase is between two and four weeks from the first symptoms, so the period of return to the “non-contagious” position is longer than in other viruses such as Covid-19 and the flu. So we shouldn’t be overconfident.
The main complications are meningitis and acute encephalitis, as well as pneumonia, access to the feet and eye infection with loss of vision.
Urgent measures: be careful in public bathrooms and common areas without proper disinfection, do not exchange objects or personal items, wear a mask in crowded and closed places, stay outdoors as long as possible, disinfect yourself before entering the house or when work, be careful with handrails and stair railings, keep social distance, avoid skin-to-skin contact, assess vaccination if available, wash bedding and personal clothes more frequently, wash hands with soap and water.
Greater cooperation is needed to make sure that this monkeypox, much like the old one, but with a lower mortality rate, does not cause more deaths.
The disease is still being studied to know the exact specifications of the time of contagion and the rate of improvement. Treatments for the most serious cases consist of retrovirals, antibiotics and control of complications.