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“Vaccine discrimination”: The Russian delegation will not attend the autumn session of PACE

Pyotr Tolstoy asks the Council of Europe to influence the French authorities

The French put the Russians in a discriminatory position compared to delegations from other countries, complained Pyotr Tolstoy.

The Russian delegation will not travel to Strasbourg to participate in the autumn session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, since France does not recognize the Russian vaccine against coronavirus Sputnik V. Telegram.

“Against the background of the establishment of interaction between Russia and the Council of Europe authorities, the French government is trying to restrict the movement of members of the Russian delegation in Strasbourg under the pretext of sanitary measures used by the French authorities to combat the pandemic: Sputnik V vaccine is not recognized on the territory of this country,” Tolstoy said.

He complained that “the French put Russians in a discriminatory position in comparison with our colleagues from other countries, in particular, with the authors of Russophobic resolutions – Ukrainians, Balts, etc.”

Tolstoy recalled that Russia provides all arriving Europeans “normal working conditions and does not lock people in quarantine.”

He said that the Russian delegation asks the Council of Europe to influence the French authorities in order to “prevent the segregation of national delegations on the basis of the use of one or another vaccine against coronavirus in countries.”

Russia is included in the so-called” red zone “, since we do not use AstraZeneca, Moderna or Pfizer vaccines. On the one hand, these restrictions are established by the French authorities, but on the other hand, vaccine discrimination occurs with the tacit consent and non-intervention of the Council of Europe. the created conditions, the Russian delegation will not go to Strasbourg, we will monitor the work remotely, “Tolstoy summed up.

Earlier on Friday, it became known that Russian delegation to PACE banned from moving freely in Strasbourg due to vaccination with Sputnik V.

Earlier, the WHO said that Sputnik V vaccine approval process suspended… One of the factories where the Russian drug is produced does not comply with the new production practice.

It was also reported that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) requires additional data on the Sputnik V vaccine to register it.

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