Home » today » Health » Vaccine against Covid-19 began in Tlaxcalan schools – El Sol de Tlaxcala

Vaccine against Covid-19 began in Tlaxcalan schools – El Sol de Tlaxcala

Without the need to suspend classes, this Tuesday began the application of the dose contra Covid-19 of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer-Biontech to minors under 12 and 13 years of age in different schools of the entity, although some of these also only received the documents that authority Educational sent so that the parents signed it and they could inoculate them.

A little fearful of the puncture, the students said they were happy to receive the dose to prevent a serious case of Covidbecause with that they will be able to attend school with less fear, although in the institutions There have been no intramural infections.

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Similarly, los minors they said they feel calm upon receiving the antigen, Well, after several years of waiting for this, the day has finally come when they feel protected.

Thus, in some cases there were those presented some reactions, such as pain in the application area and headache, as well as dizziness and nausea, but they were treated by the doctors who accompanied the brigades and none had to receive more attention, although the school authorities determined to call their parents to pick them up and they will retire to rest.

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Similarly, the parents were grateful for the arrival of the drug, because every day was a constant worry because their children could get infected and have complications.

Finally, rthey recognized the work that brigades of health they carry out to be able to attend to the more than 35 thousand students of this age that they have contemplated in the next few days, in addition to thanking the authorities having already applied the vaccine.

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  • The students who have presented some subsequent reaction and who were not in a position to attend classes could be absent without problem

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