Home » today » News » Vaccinations: Minister of Health is available to answer questions from the parliamentary group: CDU parliamentary group in Baden-Württemberg

Vaccinations: Minister of Health is available to answer questions from the parliamentary group: CDU parliamentary group in Baden-Württemberg

Baden-Württemberg is one of the leaders nationwide when it comes to vaccinations for older people, but at the same time the comparatively low number of people vaccinated in the care facilities is alarming. Our spokesman for social policy, Stefan Teufel, said: “We expect that with the start of the district vaccination centers and the mobile teams located there, we will quickly make up for this deficit.”

In addition, support offers must now be created quickly for those people who are overwhelmed with the existing options for arranging a vaccination appointment. The planned information letter from the state government for all households is a good first step in this regard. However, it is imperative that a targeted letter from the local authorities follow, which takes account of those population groups who are currently eligible for vaccination and which also depicts local peculiarities, said Teufel on behalf of the parliamentary group.

“As long as a vaccination is not yet possible with the general practitioner, we must also offer support for people who do not live in a home but are still not mobile. This is mainly about driving services, ”said Teufel.

Experience from other countries shows us that despite progressive vaccinations, there is no rapid decline in the number of infections and relaxation in the healthcare system. We must therefore ensure that we can keep the most important parts of our economic and social life going, even under persistently difficult framework conditions, and at the same time protect the people affected there as well as possible. To this end, our group recently formulated five demands on the Minister of Health.

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