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vaccination soon open to children?

Several voices are raised to demand the vaccination of the youngest. For the time being, the High Authority for Health has not yet pronounced on the question.

“I think that children, yes, they will have to be vaccinated”, said Thursday on BFMTV-RMC the doctor Rémi Salomon, president of the Medical Commission for the establishment of Public Assistance – Hospitals of Paris (AP-HP). “We will follow the recommendations of the HAS (High Authority for Health, Editor’s note), for the moment in France it has not yet given an opinion on the issue,” he added.

While vaccination is at this stage reserved for everyone over 50, and everyone over 18 for the remaining doses, the issue of vaccinating children is starting to gain ground in France. Although they are less prone to severe forms of the virus, they can still be infected and transmit it to others.

Protect the rest of the population

“There is a risk that the number of cases in the adolescent population will increase dramatically, as adults begin to be vaccinated. When fully vaccinated, the virus will naturally find its way onto unvaccinated targets. that is to say the adolescents, then the children, then why not the infants “, argues the pediatrician Manuel Maidenberg on BFMTV.

If the HAS has not yet issued an opinion on this point, the youngest would participate in the circulation of the virus. According to the Institut Pasteur, the parents of a child attending college have a 27% risk in addition to being infected, 29% if he is a high school student.

Divided parents

With BFMTV, two mothers share their opinion. “I have always trusted the vaccine system, so if we have the right evidence that they will have no side effects, there will be no problem,” said one.

Another indicated that she prefers to “wait a little while for adults to get vaccinated. I think it’s extremely important, but children who are under three years old, I think it’s not necessarily necessary now.”

In the United States, vaccination has been opened to 12 to 15 year olds. A study is underway in children under 6 years old.

Thibault Grosse, Antoine Corver, Élodie do Nascimento Goncalves, Domitie Bertaud and Clarisse Martin

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