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Vaccination obligation in the USA: Vaccination or job away – 3000 New Yorkers have two days

business New York is serious

Immediate vaccination or job away – 3000 employees only have two days

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USA.jpg" srcset="https://img.welt.de/img/wirtschaft/mobile236851207/0201623017-ci23x11-w1136/High-angle-view-of-42nd-street-at-sunset-New-York-City-USA.jpg 1.0x" media="(min-width: 910px)">USA.jpg" srcset="https://img.welt.de/img/wirtschaft/mobile236851207/0201623017-ci23x11-w910/High-angle-view-of-42nd-street-at-sunset-New-York-City-USA.jpg 1.0x" media="(min-width: 600px)">USA.jpg" srcset="https://img.welt.de/img/wirtschaft/mobile236851207/0201623017-ci23x11-w600/High-angle-view-of-42nd-street-at-sunset-New-York-City-USA.jpg 1.0x">Those who don't get vaccinated are practically resigning, says the mayor of New York USA.jpg 1.0x" media="(min-width: 910px)">USA.jpg 1.0x" media="(min-width: 600px)">USA.jpg 1.0x">Those who don't get vaccinated are practically resigning, says the mayor of New York – – –

Those who don’t get vaccinated are practically resigning, says the mayor of New York

Quelle: Getty Images/Alexander Spatari

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New York City Mayor Eric Adams is urging all public sector workers to get vaccinated by this weekend. The threatened consequences are unprecedented: anyone who refuses will no longer have a job on Monday.

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HNew York City officials marched across the Brooklyn Bridge this week chanting “Fire Fauci” in a call to fire prominent US immunologist and presidential adviser Anthony Fauci. Fauci, a proponent of mask and vaccination requirements, is considered by many American anti-vaxxers to be something of public enemy number one. But at the moment it’s not him who has to worry about his job. It’s the protesters on the Brooklyn Bridge.

New York’s new mayor, Eric Adams, wants to fire any public sector worker who doesn’t get vaccinated by this weekend. It is one of the toughest corona measures in the USA. So far, around 3,000 New York police officers, firefighters and administrative employees have refused the vaccine. Should Adams actually fire them all, it would be a step that no other local politician in the United States has dared to take.

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The idea came from ex-mayor Bill de Blasio, who was in office until December. De Blasio had made vaccination mandatory for all of the city’s 370,000 employees. 9,000 initially refused the injection and were released without pay. In the meantime, the number of refusers has fallen. So now 88 percent of the police officers have received at least one dose, before the measure it was only 70 percent. The value jumped from 58 to 95 percent in the fire brigade and from 86 to 97 percent in the administration.

So the vaccination requirement had an effect in New York. And it should go down well with the public. The willingness to vaccinate in the metropolis is high, 5.9 million adults had at least the first dose injected, which corresponds to 85 percent of the population. For comparison: Nationally, this value is 76 percent in the USA.

“Responsibility clearly lies with those who refuse to vaccinate”

But what does it mean for New York if 3,000 public employees are actually laid off? The consequences should be manageable. Because the refusers represent less than one percent of the city’s workforce. In addition, they have been on leave for months. But the step would be a symbol.

A sign that politicians are serious about compulsory vaccination. And this even at a time when America is suffering from a dramatic labor shortage. There are currently almost eleven million vacancies in the country.

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“Huge Waste” – – – – –

“Anyone who wants to work for the city of New York,” Mayor Adams said in a press conference on Friday, “must be vaccinated.” Everyone understood that. Therefore, one cannot claim that the 3,000 employees would be laid off.

“They’re practically quitting,” Adams said. “The responsibility clearly lies with them.” In addition to the 3,000 people who refuse to vaccinate, there are 9,000 employees who have applied for an exception for health or religious reasons. The applications are currently being processed.

New York is taking more rigorous action against Corona than other American cities. Former mayor de Blasio even made vaccination compulsory for all employees of private companies in December. His successor Adams retained the arrangement. Every bank on Wall Street, every law firm, every corner store is now required to require proof of vaccination from their employees. More than 180,000 companies and 3.7 million people are affected. It is not yet known how many resigned or were fired.

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