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Vaccination obligation | 3,000 New York city workers risk losing their jobs

(New York) From police to firefighters, about 3,000 New York city workers, less than 1% of the total, are threatened with losing their jobs on Friday if they do not comply with the vaccination obligation in force in the largest city. the United States.

Posted at 11:59

“We don’t fire them. They are the ones who are resigning, ”warned Democratic Mayor Eric Adams, issuing a new warning on Thursday.

“We are very clear. People must be vaccinated if employed by the city […] they must follow the rules put in place before [l’arrivée de] my team,” added the mayor, who succeeded Bill de Blasio on 1is January.

The threat concerns employees who have already had their wages suspended since the obligation was in place and had until Friday to comply. To date, some 95% of the city’s 370,000 employees have received at least one dose of the vaccine.

For their part, opponents of compulsory vaccination called on Friday morning for a new demonstration, in front of New York City Hall.

New York City was one of the first in the United States, as early as last summer, to take action to push its city officials to get vaccinated. A strict vaccination obligation was then imposed on teachers, then, from 1is November, to police and firefighters.

Like wearing a mask, mandatory vaccination is a divisive issue in the United States, where some conservative states have instead taken steps to ban it.

The deadline for employees in the largest US city (nearly nine million people) falls as several Democratic states, including New York, have decided to lift the requirement to wear the mask indoors , faced with the weariness of Americans and the drop in the number of COVID-19 contaminations.

The US government is itself concerned about an extension of protests by truckers in neighboring Canada against COVID-19 restrictions, which have paralyzed Ottawa.

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