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“Vaccination from February of next year”… First, select 1 million targets

President Moon “Vaccines, it will not be late”
Priority vaccination from 1 million people including high-risk medical staff
More than 250 cryogenic freezers will be provided… Integrated management system diagram


President Moon Jae-in said the corona 19 vaccination will not be delayed. The quarantine authorities said that the vaccination could start as early as February next year. First of all, the number of targets to be vaccinated was estimated to be around 1 million. This included workers in medical institutions that treat high-risk groups and the elderly who are staying in nursing hospitals or facilities.

This is Lee Hee-ryeong.


President Moon Jae-in said the introduction of the vaccine was not delayed.

[우리나라가 백신을 충분히 확보하지 못했다거나, 접종이 늦어질 것이라는 염려가 일각에 있습니다. 사실이 아닙니다.]

They also said they are working hard to get the vaccine faster.

[이미 충분한 물량을 확보했고…백신 도입 시기를 더 앞당기려는 노력도 기울이고 있으며…]

The quarantine authorities also said they will start vaccination as early as next February.

[정은경/질병관리청장 : 우선 접종 권장대상자 중에서 보건의료체계 기능 유지를 위해 필요한 고위험군 의료기관 종사자와 요양병원·요양시설 등 집단시설에 거주하는 노인부터 접종을 시작하여 순차적으로 접종을 확대해 나가겠습니다.]

It is about 1 million.

By the third quarter of next year, they said they would complete all vaccinations for all priority vaccination subjects.

A more detailed schedule is determined by the Vaccination Review Committee, taking into account the characteristics of each vaccine.

AstraZeneca’s vaccine can be distributed at room temperature.

An appropriate place will be selected among those with vaccination experience.

However, Pfizer’s vaccine must remain at -70 degrees Celsius.

You need a cryogenic freezer.

The quarantine authorities began to prepare.

In the first quarter of next year, we have decided to buy more than 250 freezers.

We have decided to designate a separate vaccination center equipped with this freezer.

He also said that he would create an integrated vaccination management system.

I am taking care of this because I need to get two doses and cross immunizations may also be required.

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