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Vaccination for children from the age of twelve: “Not an easy decision”

Pediatrician Guido Judex sprays disinfectant on a swab. He prepares everything for a vaccination – a routine act. But the girl who sits across from him in his Regensburg practice is, so to speak, a special patient: Nathalie is the first to be vaccinated against Corona this Monday. Because officially, children and adolescents from the age of twelve can now also receive the vaccination.

Spades, dabs and ladybug plasters on it

A small spade in the left upper arm, dabbing, ladybug plaster on – that was it in the end. Almost unspectacular, says doctor Guido Judex and laughs.

Nathalie, on the other hand, was excited: she had been vaccinated so that she would be better protected in the event of an infection, she says under her FFP2 mask. She seems a little shy at the side of mother Ramona.

Nathalie’s previous illness: blood cancer

But what sounds so simple has a completely different reason: Nathalie was diagnosed with leukemia when she was eight – that is, blood cancer. She is therefore considered to be pre-ill. She belongs to the group of children and adolescents for whom the Standing Vaccination Commission recommends vaccination. But her mother Ramona was unsure until the end of whether she should have her daughter vaccinated or not:

“That was not an easy decision. As a normal consumer, I don’t know what is right and what is wrong. I don’t know my way around, I rely on the doctors. I hope that everything will be fine and that Nathalie will get through the Corona period well.” Ramona, mother of Nathalie

Get vaccination recommendations from other doctors

Ramona Jung sought advice from the doctors who had treated her daughter who had leukemia. There she got a clear recommendation for the vaccination. However, many parents are as uncertain as they were or are in view of the controversial debate about vaccinating children and adolescents.

It could boil up once more, now that children and adolescents from twelve can theoretically be vaccinated. Only the preparation from Biontech / Pfizer is approved for them. According to the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Bavaria, this is also the most popular among adults.

Stiko: Vaccination recommended for young people at risk

According to the expectations of observers, the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) will continue to adhere to its position and recommend vaccination only for young at-risk patients, although the vaccine is generally approved for all children and adolescents.

A new statement from Stiko is expected in the course of the week. On the one hand, the Commission argues that it does not believe that sufficient data is yet available. Possible risks and side effects also play a role in the consideration. On the other hand, it was recently said repeatedly that the risk for children of getting seriously ill with corona is so low that it does not outweigh any intervention in the form of a vaccination.

Opinions on vaccinations differ

The professional association of paediatricians in Bavaria clearly follows the recommendation of Stiko. Its chairman Dominik Ewald affirmed in an interview with the BR that initially only young high-risk patients should be vaccinated. And only in pediatric practices, where good advice can be given, says Ewald.

His Regensburg professional colleague Guido Judex, on the other hand, is one of those doctors who are in favor of a more comprehensive vaccination, who basically want to vaccinate children and adolescents from twelve. The risks of infection cannot be denied, even in children, says Judex – and society also benefits:

“The fewer opportunities this virus has to circulate in society, the fewer opportunities there are for mutations to either establish themselves or arise.” Guido Judex, specialist in pediatric and adolescent medicine

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