Home » today » Health » Vaccination error in the practice of “Impfluencer” Kröner in Neu-Ulm – SWR Aktuell

Vaccination error in the practice of “Impfluencer” Kröner in Neu-Ulm – SWR Aktuell

Thousands of corona vaccinations by a Neu-Ulm family doctor may be ineffective. According to the doctor’s own statements, the vaccine has not been cooled sufficiently.

Dr. Christian Kröner has become known nationwide as a so-called “Impfluencer”.


The Neu-Ulm family doctor Christian Kröner, who was in the media nationwide because of his vaccination campaign and became known as a so-called vaccineer, admits on the homepage of his practice an error in the storage of thousands of doses of the corona vaccine from the manufacturer Biontech. According to this, due to an accident, the refrigerator was not continuously set to the prescribed storage temperature of below eight degrees for months – with the result that the vaccine might not work or only work to a lesser extent.

Kröner: Opinion requested from vaccine manufacturers

Kröner writes on his homepage that the vaccine is not dangerous if it is stored too warm. It goes on to say: “Clear statements from the vaccine manufacturer as to the extent to which the effectiveness of the vaccine can be reduced by an increased storage temperature are not yet available, but have been requested.” The Neu-Ulm health department has been informed.

Impaired by vaccination errors: people vaccinated between April 1st and July 13th

According to further information, almost all patients who were vaccinated from April 1 to July 13 in the Neu-Ulm practice are initially affected. Kröner recommends an examination of the antibodies in the blood. The examination in his practice is free of charge and possible without an appointment. He also wants to follow on from his Homepage Inform the pharmacy which days the vaccine was injected immediately after it was delivered so that it was still cold enough.

Vaccination warning also applies to other vaccinations

The Neu-Ulm family doctor comments personally on the mistake on his homepage: “We are all shocked by this incident, but unfortunately we can no longer correct it afterwards.” The vaccination warning also applies to other vaccines that need to be refrigerated – for example against tetanus diphtheria whooping cough or shingles. For this, the practice sometimes offers a repetition of the vaccination or antibody tests.

Death threats for corona vaccination of young people

The Neu-Ulm family doctor became known nationwide – initially because of a Facebook post with which he addressed conspiracy theorists and corona deniers. And finally, because he campaigned for the vaccination of children and adolescents and also vaccinated adolescents over the age of twelve against Corona in his practice. But Christian Kröner experienced a real shit storm on the net and received death threats.

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