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Vaccination derby. Sparta and Slavia have opened vaccination centers in stadiums

“We wanted more vaccination centers and higher vaccinations. Of course, we hoped that, for example, sports fans would have a reason to get vaccinated, because they can visit the stadium, it’s in their familiar environment, “Nikola Melicharová, the coordinator of the vaccination center in Eden, told the News on Monday.

This is also confirmed by a fan of Slavia Jonathan, who was among the first to register for the third dose at Eden. “It was a pure coincidence, I didn’t even think about it, but when I saw that they were opening a place here, I went here. The environment is very close to me, like at home, ”he said with a smile.

Slavia fans came for the third dose.

Photo: News

“It seemed like an attractive thing to me when a person has a nice football time with Slavia, so he can do something for his health, so I took the opportunity here,” said another fan Martin, who also came for a booster dose.

The vaccination center at the Sparta Stadium in Letná also opened on Monday.

“We do not want to experience empty stadiums and we do not want a maximum of 1000 people to be able to go to them. We want to enjoy the full capacity and stormy atmosphere. I believe that this third vaccination dose will also help us eradicate the covid from our lives and return to full stadiums, “said František Čupr, director of Sparta, at a press conference announcing the opening of the center on Thursday.

Both centers operate on weekdays from 2 pm to 8 pm, and on weekends from 8 am to 8 pm.

People can also be vaccinated on Sparta.

Photo: News

Prior registration is also required at web Ministry of Health. On weekdays, about 200 people can be vaccinated at Letná, 300 to 350 people at Eden, and the capacity will double at the weekend.

“We have over 100 applicants registered today, the number is increasing a bit,” Melicharová said on Monday. She added that according to interest, they would also consider the possibility of vaccinations at Eden without prior registration.

The Sparta Vaccination Center will remain open until February 4. Then to Eden until February 2, when he then moves to a neighboring shopping center.

According to the Golemio data platform, about 75 percent of 1.14 million Praguers have at least one dose of covid-19 vaccine. Approximately 70 percent underwent the second dose, and almost 30 percent of people with permanent residence in Prague have a booster dose.

All adults who are at least five months old after completing the vaccination are eligible for the booster dose. In the case of a single-dose vaccine from Johnson & Johnson, revaccination is recommended after only two months.

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