Home » today » Health » Vaccination card | COVID-19 | Free Peru Bank promotes project against the Castillo government’s vaccination measure nndc | PERU

Vaccination card | COVID-19 | Free Peru Bank promotes project against the Castillo government’s vaccination measure nndc | PERU

While the Government is promoting complete vaccination against COVID-19, the Peru Libre bench, at the initiative of legislator Margot Palacios, presented a bill that seeks to undermine the restrictions dictated by the Pedro Castillo government, for people who do not have both doses against COVID-19.

As indicated by the legislative initiative N ° 958/2021 – CR, received on December 10, seeks to “guarantee” the exercise of human rights in times of the pandemic.

In addition to Palacios, the document bears the signatures of the other congressmen of Peru Libre such as: Guido Bellido, Edgar Tello, Katty Ugarte, Lucinda Vásquez, Segundo Quiroz and the spokesperson for the bench Waldemar Cerrón.

Among the proposals of the bill it is indicated:

No one may apply to a person or force him to apply a medical, surgical procedure, vaccine or medicine against his will”.

No one may impose sanitary measures that affect the health or life of people; Everyone has the right to object to the imposition of sanitary measures that threaten their health or life

“No one may put as a requirement or condition the application of a drug or vaccine to a person to keep in a job or job, or access it, to travel or transport, to access any public or private establishment, to receive a State bond or collect it, to receive or collect the retirement pension, or for any other reason

Everyone has inalienable human rights, which cannot be restricted under the pretext of a health emergency

No person may impose health protocols that affect the health, life and freedoms of people

No one may force a person to apply viral diagnostic tests to access work, stay in it, to travel or to access public or private establishments


Since December 10, new restrictions are applied to the use of closed spaces, as a form of prevention against the appearance of the omicron variant and the increase of COVID-19 in the country.

The provisions indicated by the health authorities contemplate the obligation to present the physical or virtual vaccination card to enter closed public spaces.

However, an eventual approval of the project presented by Peru Libre would mean a setback in the fight against COVID-19, a disease that to date has caused the death of 201,733 people, according to official information.


The lack of employment in our country due to the Covid-19 pandemic caused 59% of informal workers to request money from moneylenders and 80% of them did so from informal sources. This generated debts ranging from S / 1000 to S / 3000. (Source: Latina TV)
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