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Vaccination capacities in Baden-Württemberg larger than existing vaccination doses

Biontech / Pfizer acceptance

The corona vaccination campaign in Baden-Württemberg has recently picked up speed with family doctors. Nevertheless, the capacity of the vaccinating doctors exceeds the existing vaccination doses. That should change.

In the progress of the vaccination campaign, in addition to the volume of vaccine deliveries, the distribution and acceptance of the various vaccines also play a role.

Photo: Marijan Murat / dpa / archive image

In Baden-Württemberg, significantly more vaccines than the corona vaccine are available – but the delivery quantities are expected to increase soon.

In April, Baden-Württemberg will receive around 300,000 doses of corona vaccine per week, according to a spokesman for the Ministry of Health in Stuttgart. This is offset by capacities of up to 80,000 daily vaccinations in the vaccination centers in the country.

According to a survey by the Baden-Württemberg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, up to 80,000 vaccinations could also be administered in the practices of resident doctors, the spokesman said.

In fact, between 40,000 and 45,000 vaccinations a day end up in the arms of the people of Baden-Württemberg in the vaccination centers. In the practices there were around 161,000 vaccinations in the first week after the start of vaccination up to and including Tuesday of this week. This corresponds to around 23,000 vaccinations a day.

Vaccination centers in Baden-Württemberg receive significantly more vaccine from Biontech / Pfizer

In the progress of the vaccination campaign, in addition to the volume of vaccine deliveries, the distribution and acceptance of the various vaccines also play a role. In the coming week, the vaccination centers will receive around 14,400 doses from Astrazeneca and around 287,000 doses from Biontech / Pfizer, according to the ministry.

For the last week of April, the delivery quantities are therefore 12,000 doses from Astrazenca, 199,000 doses from Biontech / Pfizer and 80,400 doses of the vaccine from Moderna.

The low share in Astrazeneca is due to the fact that the vaccination centers only received doses for second vaccinations from the end of April, everything else will go to the general practitioners from next week, the spokesman said.

The extent of the vaccination deliveries from May onwards is still unclear. Exact forecasts are still difficult. That shows the current stop at Johnson & Johnson, it was said by the ministry.

The US manufacturer postponed its delivery to the EU countries on Tuesday after reports of sinus vein thrombosis.

The Ministry of Health only has rough forecasts for the period from May onwards

For the period from May onwards, only very rough and preliminary forecasts are available. Nevertheless, the ministry expects the vaccinations to “pick up speed significantly”.

It is hoped that the previous forecasts will be correct and that significantly more vaccine will be received in May and June, so that the vaccination centers and private practices can finally vaccinate under full load. “The infrastructure for this is undoubtedly available in the country,” said the spokesman.

The next steps should also be discussed at the vaccination summit on Friday. Minister Manne Lucha (Greens) invites you to a video link with local politicians and representatives from the medical association, pharmacists’ association and hospital society. In addition, the paritätische and the social association VdK and the regional seniors’ council were subsequently invited.

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