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Vaccination arouses less and less reluctance in Martinique

Residents are flocking to the vaccinodrome installed at the Lamentin Sports Palace to protect themselves from the coronavirus. The craze for vaccination is particularly evident this Saturday (April 3, 2021).

With or without the appointment, people of all ages and from all municipalities are ready to be vaccinated, even if it means waiting for more than an hour. “We have to, we have to be vaccinated so we have no choice“, explains a young woman.

Lots of people at the Lamentin sports center. Which means that the reluctance is gradually falling. “I hesitated and then I said no we have to get out of it, we have to get vaccinated “, confides a mother.

The attendance continues to increase over the days. 463 people upon opening (March 30, 2021), 550 the next day, 730 yesterday (April 2, 2021).

The Lamentin vaccinodrome is on track to achieve its goal of 1,000 vaccinations per day. “It is a great satisfaction, because we have sized the device to respond to the population“, explains Ludovic Durand, chief doctor of the STIS (Territorial Fire and Rescue Service).

See the report by Delphine Bez and Jean-Marc Kennenga.

The site is accessible every day from 7:30 am to 7:00 pm exclusively by appointment made by phone: 05 96 42 55 60 or through the online appointment booking platform keldoc: www.keldoc.com

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