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Vaccination against measles from March: Leipzig plans vaccination team

Are the parents, whose children are not vaccinated, tough opponents of vaccination or did the parents simply miss vaccination?

Matthias Haßberg: Most parents whose children have not been vaccinated have so far simply missed it. We assume that. We expect that tough opponents of vaccination who really do not want to do so and strictly reject it will only make up one percent of the population. For everyone else, we assume that they can be convinced with appropriate conversations and information and that their children will be vaccinated.

What are the tasks of the vaccination team? Should it do persuasive work?

The vaccination team is additional staff at the Health Department who help and support that we vaccinate those who have not yet been measles vaccinated. So everyone gets an appointment faster. In this way we can help to significantly increase the vaccination rate.

Two vaccinations are required for complete vaccination protection. Is only the first checked or also the second?

Everything is checked. Complete vaccination protection is required and two vaccinations are required.

What about compulsory education if the child is not vaccinated?

The problem with school is that there are two obligations. One is vaccination, the other is compulsory education. There are, of course, children who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. There is also. You have to get this confirmed by the doctor, then it works.

What about opponents of vaccination?

If the confirmation is not available and the parents continue to insist that the child not be vaccinated, then we have a problem with the school. School attendance is compulsory and in the toughest cases a fine will have to be paid because the vaccination has been violated.

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