Home » today » Health » Vaccination against influenza by outbreak points to receive the dose – Health

Vaccination against influenza by outbreak points to receive the dose – Health

Faced with the peak of respiratory diseases in the country, the health authorities insist on the need for the vulnerable population such as children and older adults go to the vaccination posts against viruses such as influenza.

(You may be interested: Fourth dose is approved for those under 50 years of age)

It is worth mentioning that lChildren under six months of age, pregnant women from the 14th week of gestation and adults over 60 years of age belong to the risk groups for the virus and consequently they must receive the vaccine against the disease.

(Also: These diseases can arise due to the rainy season)

Also, those citizens who are between 24 months and 59 years of age and are at risk of serious complications.

In this way, the Secretary of Health of Bogotá has arranged 240 points of both the public and private network of the health system to receive the corresponding doses in the capital.

The centers will be enabled in the 20 locations of the city so that people can come and receive the biologicals for free. In this sense, the only requirement is to present the certificate of vaccination against influenza in case you have it or have received previous doses, as well as the identification document.

In addition, the health entity assured that To receive this benefit, citizens must consult the closest vaccination post on a digital map enabled on the website of the Mayor’s Office of Bogotá. or on the website of the Ministry of Health.

(We recommend you consult: Donate blood, a call to human solidarity)

As far as business hours are concerned, the health authority has said that citizens can approach the influenza vaccination posts enabled for it from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

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