Procedures and methods
Summary of recommendations
Chapter I A vaccination campaign subject to exceptional constraints
I – Achievements and uncertainties related to vaccines
A – Early vaccines but subject to productive tensions
B – Demonstrated efficacy of vaccines which, however, is accompanied by uncertainties
C – A priority given to the imperative of health security
II – A strong constraint for several months on supplies
A – Pool purchases at European level
B – A two-stage increase in deliveries
III – A need for vaccines accentuated by the acceleration of the vaccination campaign
A – A temporary shortage of vaccines as a result of the increase in the number of people eligible for vaccination
B – An acceleration of the vaccination partly allowed by the spacing between the two injections
Chapter II The organization of the vaccination campaign: continuous adaptation
I – An evolving strategy
R – A cautious start
B – Massive vaccination to limit the spread of the virus
II – The establishment of specific bodies
A – Government advisory bodies
B – The establishment of a specific mission administration
III – A heavily supervised system
A – The rigidity of interventions aimed at nursing homes
B – Reduced margins of adaptation for ARS during the phase of vaccine shortage
IV – The complementarity of the different actors responsible for vaccination
R – A leading role for vaccination centers
B – A smaller venue than the traditional street circuit
C – Approaches to “reach” people who have stayed away from mass vaccination
Chapter III Overall goals achieved, despite persistent disparities in vaccination
I – At the international level, the generally favorable position of France
A – At the beginning of September 2022, better results than most European countries, but worse than southern European countries
B – Gradually catch up with the countries that started vaccination earlier
II – Solid vaccination results in France, despite some weaknesses
A – Initial vaccination schedule and first booster: very high vaccination rates
B – Territorial disparities, especially among young people, an important but not exclusive role of social conditions
C – Protection of the most vulnerable people: below average results
D – The failure of childhood vaccination
III – Data transparency: an asset to be strengthened
A – Progressive transparency of data in response to the birth of “city sites”
B – Systematize publication and make data more accessible
IV – A cost to be evaluated in relation to the favorable effects of vaccination
A – In 2021, 4.6 billion euros of expenditure recorded for vaccination in France
B – A cost to put into perspective on several fronts
List of Abbreviations