Home » World » Vacancies in TEPJF will not “weaken” it towards the election: Mónica Soto

Vacancies in TEPJF will not “weaken” it towards the election: Mónica Soto

Mexico City. Although the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) does not have 8 magistrates, because the Senate did not make the appointments before concluding the regular period of sessions, the presiding magistrate of the Superior Chamber, Mónica Soto Fregoso, assured that the highest electoral body is firm, prepared and ready to receive all means of challenge that are presented, “just as we have done throughout this electoral process and after election day.”

Despite the calls that he made to the Senate since February to name the vacancies in the 6 chambers that make up the TEPJF, as well as 41 local electoral courts, these were not voted on by the legislators, but he affirmed that the absences do not weaken the electoral authority jurisdiction that will validate the presidential election between next July or August.

“The electoral court is not at fault, it is firm and is exercising its powers and powers; The current integration of this institution with five judges is prepared legally and institutionally; in ethics with the independence and autonomy that has always represented us to continue strengthening the full exercise of everyone’s rights,” he stated.

During her participation in the Meeting of Afro-descendant Afro-Mexican Women, Soto Fregoso pointed out that the TEPJF has the strength to face the situations that arise in the final stretch of the campaigns and in what comes after them, so at no time The lack of appointments will prevent the exercise of their functions.

He pointed out that the judges who make up the electoral court will maintain their adherence to the constitutional principles that govern them and the principles of integrity, autonomy, independence, transparency and legality, “because we are the last instance in this country (that validates the elections) and the “The Court is not going to get involved in electoral campaigns, because its function is to protect the full exercise of everyone’s rights.”

He recalled that there are currently five magistrates who currently make up the Superior Chamber (two magistrates are missing) and there is also one position missing in each of the six regional chambers, which are Guadalajara, Monterrey, Xalapa, Mexico City, Toluca and the Specialized Chamber.

Despite these vacancies, “we are willing and able to work to the maximum effort, with the greatest professionalism and always attached to our Constitution. We will not leave a space to continue trying and of course calling on the Senate of the Republic so that it can integrate the Regional Chambers and the Superior Chamber prior to the electoral results stage,” he noted.

And although there are voices that point out that the decisions of this highest electoral body have political influences, Judge Soto categorically assured that “the Electoral Court does not remove or appoint candidates,” because its function is to protect the vote that each citizen casts on election day. election day, in addition to verifying and guaranteeing that the votes have been counted and cast freely “and when this does not happen, the court acts accordingly, do not have the slightest doubt.”

#Vacancies #TEPJF #weaken #election #Mónica #Soto
– 2024-05-11 14:08:01

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