Home » today » World » V. Kokkalis: PPC and private providers ignore the favorable regulations for flood-affected farmers – 2024-05-02 06:19:29

V. Kokkalis: PPC and private providers ignore the favorable regulations for flood-affected farmers – 2024-05-02 06:19:29

“PPC and private electricity providers state the absence of official information and complete ignorance of the decision on the favorable arrangements for the rural electricity of the flood-affected farmers” emphasizes in his statement the Head of Rural Development and Food and Member of Parliament for Larisa of SYRIZA – Progressive Alliance Mr. Vassilis Kokkalis, asking the direct intervention of the government.

Specifically, Mr. Kokkalis states: “With a delay of five months from the announcement of favorable regulation in the agricultural sector of the farmers affected by the unprecedented floods of September, the relevant Ministerial Decision was issued, which remains unenforceable for 20 days due to the absence of official information to PPC and private electricity providers.

For the refusal of the PPC and the private electricity providers to implement the already institutionalized favorable arrangements for the overdue debts of the flood-affected farmers, the government’s indifference and indifference are solely responsible, which exceed any level of reproach towards the flood-affected farmers.

It is inconceivable that, due to Staff irresponsibility, the necessary and necessary reconnection of the agricultural stream remains unattainable in the midst of the critical period for agricultural crops.

The Government is once again proving to be inferior to the circumstances, unable to implement even its own commitments. The least it has to do is to finally clarify its intentions towards the flood-affected farmers who struggle every day for their survival,” he concludes.

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