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UWV: 1.3 billion euros transferred to employers

The UWV has now transferred 1.3 billion euros to employers as a contribution towards wage costs. Companies that are faced with a loss of turnover due to the corona crisis can apply for this since Monday. 79,000 companies have done this in the past few days, and 66,000 applications have now been processed.

Payment of the other government support measures is also in full swing. The six large municipalities have already received more than 70,000 applications from self-employed persons without employees to supplement their income and the government has granted 25,000 companies a one-off € 4,000.

First period

Companies can claim compensation for labor costs if they expect at least a 20 percent loss of turnover in the three months after the outbreak. The amount depends on how much turnover is lost. If a company uses this so-called NOW scheme, it may not lay off employees during these three months.

Of the EUR 1.3 billion that has been transferred, EUR 230 million is already in the employer’s account. The remaining 1.1 billion is on the way. In connection with Easter, these employers receive that money after the Easter weekend.

All amounts transferred are a first installment of the calculated advance. These employers will receive two more terms later, says the UWV.

Supplement to the income of self-employed persons

For self-employed people without personnel, municipalities have opened special counters where they can apply for a supplement to their income. This TOZO scheme allows self-employed persons who worked an average of 23.5 hours per week and now earn below the social minimum, to supplement their income up to the social minimum for three months.

Of the 70,000 applications received by the six largest municipalities, 15,000 were paid out. The vast majority of the payments were made by the municipality of Amsterdam. This is because Amsterdam had already started paying before the government had received the money. The other five municipalities received fewer applications and also fewer applications.

The municipalities expect that the number of payments will increase enormously in the coming week. For example, the municipality of Groningen has hired ten extra people and they are working on Easter to process the applications faster.

One-time gift

Except for these measures, some companies are eligible for a one-off government gift of EUR 4,000. Initially, this TOGS scheme was only intended for companies that had to close on behalf of the government, such as the catering and travel industry. Physiotherapists, non-food retailers and taxi drivers have now been added to the list.

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), where these applications must be submitted, reports that 85,000 applications have been made, of which more than 25,000 have been granted. This concerns an amount of 103 million euros. On Wednesday, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate will complete the list of companies that qualify for this. The RVO also expects the number of applications to continue to increase.

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