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Uwais Al Qarni: The Pious Young Man from Yemen

Jakarta – Lessons about piety, faith and devotion can also be learned from an ordinary young man named Uwais Al Qarni. He is a young man who is famous in the sky because of his faith and devotion to Allah SWT.

Uwais Al-Qarni is a young man from Yemen who lived in the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Quoted from the book Islamic Religious Education and Character by Akhmad Mahmudi, Uwais is not a rich person, but just a poor and orphan who lives alone with his paralyzed and blind mother.

Every day, Uwais lives by relying on his income from herding sheep. The results he got were only enough for his mother to eat. Meanwhile, if he has excess, he sometimes uses it to help his neighbors who are also in trouble.

The rest of Uwais often fasts. He only used his life to worship Allah SWT and be devoted to his mother, because his father had died a long time ago.

Uwais Al Qarni came to Prophet Muhammad SAW

Uwais felt very sad every time he saw his neighbor who had gone off to meet the Prophet Muhammad SAW. He had never met him even though he really wanted to meet him. However, at the same time he couldn’t leave his mother.

Because of his love for the Prophet Muhammad SAW, when he heard that someone threw a stone at the Prophet SAW until his tooth broke, Uwais also broke his tooth with a stone until it broke.

He did this as a form of his deep love for the Prophet Muhammad SAW, whom he had never even met. He always wondered when he would be able to meet and see her face up close.

Finally, one day he expressed everything in his heart to his mother and asked permission to meet the Prophet Muhammad SAW. His mother also allowed him to go to Medina.

His mother told Uwais, “Go, O Uwais, my son! Meet the Prophet at his house. And when you have met the Prophet, immediately return home.”

With a very happy heart, he finally arrived in Medina. In front of the door of Prophet Muhammad SAW’s house, he knocked on it. After the door was opened, it turned out that the person who greeted him was not the Prophet SAW himself, but Aisyah RA. At that time the prophet was in the war so he could not find him.

Uwais was very disappointed. Even when he arrived at the Prophet’s house he had not yet been able to meet him. He really wanted to wait for the prophet to return from the battlefield, but he remembered his mother’s message telling him to go home immediately when he met him.

Reluctantly, Uwais finally chose to obey his mother and return home without ever meeting the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

When the Prophet Muhammad SAW returned from the battle, he asked Aisyah RA about the people who were looking for him and she told the prophet.

Aisyah RA explained that there was a young man from Yemen who came to meet Rasulullah SAW. However, because his mother was old and sickly, he could not wait for the prophet’s arrival and chose to go home.

Prophet Muhammad SAW then explained that the young man was an inhabitant of the sky. He also told his friends, “If you want to meet him, notice that he has a white mark in the middle of his palm.”

He also suggested to ask for prayers and istighfar from him, because he is an inhabitant of the sky and not an inhabitant of the earth.

Many years later, the caliph Umar RA remembered the words of the Prophet SAW about a young man who was famous in the sky. Since then, Umar RA always looked for his presence in the group of caliphs who came from Yemen. Until one day he actually met this young man.

Caliph Umar RA and Ali RA came to Uwais’s camp and came to meet him. The two then proved the words of the Prophet SAW about the mark on the palm of Uwais. And it’s true, the white mark is on him.

Umar RA and Ali RA then asked Uwais to recite prayers and istighfar for them, but Uwais refused, saying, “I am the one who should ask for prayers from you.” Then, Umar RA and Ali RA still asked to be prayed for. Finally Uwais did it.

After that, Umar RA wanted to give a guarantee of life to Uwais. But again the offer was rejected by him. He said, “I beg you that today only I will be known to people. For the next few days, let this poor servant not be known to people anymore.”

The death of Uwais Al Qarni

Several years later, Uwais died. Strangely, his funeral was attended by thousands of people who scrambled to care for his body.

The residents of Yemen City were stunned. The people who came to Uwais’ funeral were not people they knew. Even though during his lifetime, he was very poor and had nothing. So how come thousands of people came to take care of the body and burial?

News about the strangeness of Uwais Al Qarni’s funeral spread widely. Finally, the people of Yemen learned that Uwais Al Qarni was not an earthling, he was a famous young man in the sky. And these humans were angels sent to him by Allah SWT.

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2023-10-01 22:00:24
#story #Uwais #Qarni #famous #young #man #sky

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