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Utrera-born saxophonist Manu Brazo, on tour in Turkey with state orchestras

Writing. The musician from Utrera, Manu Brazo, considered one of the most influential and innovative names of the saxophone on social networks, his videos have reached one million views, is conquering Europe with a concert tour that is taking place between the United Kingdom, where has recently presented his album Fantasia, together with the British pianist Bryan Evans, and in Turkey, a country where his performances are having a fantastic reception.

After his successful debut at the CSO Ada Ankara presidential auditorium, last November with the pianist Pepe Fernández, the young saxophonist from Utrera, Manu Brazo, has just returned to the Ottoman country to continue his tour, being the first Spanish who performs as soloist with the state orchestras of Adana (“Çukurova state symphony orchestra”) and Bursa, (“Bursa bölge devlet senfoni orkestrasi”), in separate recitals on January 6 and 12, respectively, and with various interviews for Media in Istanbul.

Thus, the first concert of 2023 in Turkey, starring Manu Brazo, took place in the “Adana Büyükşehir Belediyesi Konser Salonu” auditorium, where the saxophonist performed works such as “Fantasie Brillante sur Carmen” by Francois Borne and “Scaramouche” by Darius Milhaud , concert broadcast by Turkish National TV (TRT) to the whole country in February, by channel2, for millions of people.

“I was very surprised when I went on stage when I saw it full of cameras. It is something very important since the scope of a recording like this, for millions of people, is an opportunity that will surely continue to open doors in the near future in this country that I am discovering,” Manu asserted.

After the Adana concert, Manu Brazo highlighted that “the concert with the Adana symphony was an exceptional experience. From the first rehearsal there was chemistry both with the orchestra, a young formation with a great desire to work and make music, and with the conductor of Azerbaijan Valid Agayev, and that energy and rapport made for a dynamic, attractive, fresh and fun concert”.

“One of my objectives is to claim that the classical saxophone is understood and respected like any other instrument with more history, placing it on an equal footing, regardless of date of birth”.

On what it means to bring the classical saxophone to Turkey, Manu Brazo explains that classical music in that country only has a tradition of about 50 or 60 years and they have practically not heard the classical saxophone (as happens in many other places I go to). and surprise). “And since this instrument (and its repertoire) is quite modern… fortunately or unfortunately it is something yet to be discovered, and that is where we are, trying to claim that the classical saxophone is understood and respected like any other instrument with more history”.

In this sense, Manu Brazo highlights that “both the Adana and Bursa orchestras will play for the first time with a saxophone as a soloist, which is a source of pride and privilege for me. In the case of the presidential auditorium in Ankara, where I performed last November, something similar happened, since I was the first classical saxophonist to offer a recital”.

Regarding the contact with the Turkish audience, Manu Brazo has described it as “great”. “Tradition and classical protocol, explains the musician, are lost a bit in this country and I love that. Applause between movements and expressions of surprise or joy (including some loudly) when they like something or when they don’t expect it, are small details that fill the room and transmit a lot of energy from the audience.

“The trip through Turkey is something that I will take with me for a lifetime in my heart and in my senses”

Regarding his tour of Turkey, the interpreter from Utrera stressed that “this trip is something that I will take with me for the rest of my life. The Turks are very friendly people and are always willing to help and to make room at any time to enjoy something to eat, have a juice, a tea or a beer. I take with me new friends, a new very active public and many precious memories of these three cities that I did not know: Adana, Istanbul and Bursa”.

“And for all this, the musician from Utrera has added, I have to thank my Turkish managers KAM Management very much, for the perfect organization both in the musical part and in the logistical part and even leisure and visits that we are carrying out. cape”.

Upcoming recitals

After the success that Manu Brazo obtained in November together with Pepe Fernández in the presidential auditorium of Ankara, where they presented their album “Folk-Lore”, both musicians were directly invited to return next May to present a new project with the who will bring Spanish music to Turkey, together with the violinist Claudia Gallardo Uriarte and the cellist Rosa García Varela, according to the interpreter from Utrera.

“Until May, the saxophonist points out, I have several concerts both in England and in Spain (my schedule can be consulted at www.manubrazo.com) and the presentation of my second album Fantasia with the English pianist Bryan Evans”. Future performances include recitals at the Edinburgh Concert Society (Scotland) and at the Festival de la Vezérè (France), among other projects.

Meanwhile, Manu continues with his project Learn saxophone online (https://www.aprendesaxofononline.com/), he continues giving classes to saxophonists from all over the world in Spanish and English and developing and applying his method. We can also find him on his YouTube channel, on Istagram and other networks making comments or giving live classes, always on the saxophone, his passion, his environment, his life.

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