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Utrecht wants action plan from study associations and sports clubs | Inland

“The numbers are now rising so fast that something has to be done to turn the tide. It is noticeable that certain groups of young people in particular do not adhere well to the corona measures, which means that the risk of infecting vulnerable people increases rapidly. At the same time, I also see how difficult it is to keep going. Especially if you do not know how long it will take, you are unsure about your study, job and future and you are limited in your daily freedom of movement. This affects us all, ”says Den Oudsten.

“We talk to people to find out what they need and what they and we can do. But the fact remains that, in order to avoid even more difficult decisions in the future, we now have to persevere and take our responsibility. Only together can we prevent further spread of the corona virus. ”

In addition to the conversations, there will be extra campaigns, also mainly aimed at young people. The ‘Keep it up’ campaign is still running within the Utrecht Safety Region this month and the ‘Thirty030’ # KILLDE2EGOLF campaign is running in the city of Utrecht. Various campaigns are also running in other municipalities in the Utrecht region.

Where possible, there will also be stricter enforcement of compliance with the measures, reports the Utrecht Safety Region. “Such as the accelerated closure of institutions or locations where a source of infection has developed. The aim is to limit further contamination as quickly as possible. The Safety Region is also working to tighten up supervision and enforcement in parks, areas with a risk of illegal parties and sectors where excessive contamination occurs. ”

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