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Utrecht citizen who left a fake bomb at the station acquitted

The man who was arrested last year after he left a fake bomb at Utrecht Lunetten station has been acquitted today for leaving the crafts behind. According to the judge, the man had no intention of making others believe that the thing would actually explode.

The 42-year-old from Utrecht stated that the fake bomb was a surprise for a friend, whom he had left standing on the platform in all haste, writes. RTV Utrecht† The judge believes the man.

At the end of August last year, the suspicious package was found at the station. Because the Defense Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service was also called in for an investigation, train traffic between Utrecht and Den Bosch was shut for hours.


During the period that the fake bomb was left behind, the man stayed in an institution for people with psychiatric and addiction problems. Two years ago, a year before he left the fake bomb behind, he was involved in an incident for which the court has now given him a suspended prison sentence for deprivation of liberty, possession of drugs and breaking a fence.

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