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Utrecht 60 years back: Uptick in tuberculosis cases among students in Utrecht

Photo: A 3-14-1963

Dozens of cases of TB infection have occurred among students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Utrecht. It reports that Utrecht newspaper on Thursday, March 14, 1963.

Nine male students and a girl have to undergo treatment. The infected students are mainly first-year students in mathematics, physics and astronomy. Professor H. Freudenthal, secretary of the academic senate, announced this that afternoon.
A few weeks ago, people were shocked by the discovery that one of the students in mathematics, a rail student from Hilversum who was not yet 20 years old, suffered from infectious TB. An extensive investigation was then immediately started, which has not yet been completed.
There have not yet been any cases of infection among senior students. One of the ten infected students is a second-year student. Professor Freudenthal said there was no cause for major concern. The students take a cure in the Dutch Student Sanatorium in Laren, except for one who preferred to stay at home, which is regretted by the management of the university.

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