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Utah: The Rising Hub for Unicorn Companies in the United States


Unlisted companies with a corporate value of more than 1 billion dollars and 1.3 trillion won in our money are called ‘unicorn companies’.

Utah in the Midwest is ranked as the region with the highest probability of growing as a unicorn company in the United States.

Reporter Kang Seong-ok reports on the secret.


Utah, located in the Midwest of the United States, boasts an area similar to the entire Korean Peninsula.

Its population is only 3 million, about the size of Incheon Metropolitan City.

San Francisco’s Silicon Valley in California is famous as the home of the IT industry, but Utah has been known as the ‘Silicon Slope’ for the past 10 years and is gaining popularity.

Numerous IT companies, including Adobe, famous for its Photoshop program, and Texas Instruments, a semiconductor manufacturer, flocked here one after another.

Stanford Business School notes that Utah is the most likely region to grow into a unicorn company, ahead of California and New York.

The state of Utah has implemented a strategy to attract good companies through regulatory innovation and low taxes and to provide excellent talent to companies through collaboration with local universities.

[유타주정부 경제국장 : 우리는 유타 대학과 의사소통을 잘하고 있는데 기술 이전은 정말로 중요합니다. 우리는 대학의 기술을 비즈니스 환경의 생태계로 이전하는데 주력하고 있습니다.]

Universities in Utah also focused on nurturing human resources that fit the trend of the 4th industrial era.

We have invested heavily in courses to nurture big data and artificial intelligence experts and in departments that provide tools necessary for the business environment.

[테일러 R. 랜들 / 유타대학교 총장 : 우리 대학의 비즈니스 학과는 기업과 긴밀한 관계를 갖고 있고 거의 모든 학생들이 취업의 기회를 보장받고 있고 실제 그렇게 되고 있습니다.]

The founders of well-known companies in Korea, such as Adobe, Pixar, Marriott Hotel, and Gore-Tex, all graduated from this university.

[데이비드 놀 우즈 / 유타대학교 정보시스템학과 교수 : 모든 기업은 정보화 시스템에 의존하고 있고 학생들은 이런 기술을 활용해 비즈니스를 성공시키는 방법을 배웁니다.]

The Utah state government and local universities’ customized human resource development gives many implications to the Korean government’s education policy, which strives to solve the youth unemployment problem.

I am Seongok Kang from YTN in Salt Lake City, USA.

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2023-08-25 21:36:00
#Silicon #Slope #Utah #State #unicorns

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